Richmond Illustration Inc.
On the Stands: MAD #495
October 9th, 2008 | Posted in MAD Magazine
In comic book shops this week and on news stands Oct. 14th:
MAD # 495 (November 2008)
- Cover (Uncredited)
- The Fundalini Pages (Scott Bricher, Tom Bunk, Tom Cheney, Dick DeBartolo, Desmond Devlin, Garth Gerhart, Jeff Kruse, Sam Sisco)
- “The Dork Knight” (movie parody) (Desmond Devlin, Tom Richmond)
- MAD’s Updated Glossary to the War on Terror (Desmond Devlin, Paul Coker Jr.)
- A MAD Look at Fortune Tellers (Sergio Aragon?©s)
- Alfred for President poster (Uncredited)
- MAD Deconstructs Talk Shows: Countdown with Keith Olbermann (Desmond Devlin, Peter Kuper)
- A Look Back at the Historical Career of John McCain (Uncredited, Scott Bricher)
- Monroe and… Domestic Terror (Anthony Barbieri, Tom Fowler, Carl Peterson)
- The Strip Club (Ryan Pagelow, Christopher Baldwin, Glen Lelieve, Joey Sayers, Rob Harrell, John Kovaleski, Todd Clark, Dougas Paszkiewicz)
- Not Vetting Sarah Palin (political movie poster) (Uncredited)
- When Monkeys Go Bad (John Caldwell)
- Spy vs Spy (Peter Kuper)
- When High School Elections are Run Like Presidential Elections (Nathaniel Stein, Jose Gribaldi)
- MAD Fold-In (Al Jaffee)
- Drawn Out Dramas (Sergio Aragon?©s)
- Next Month In Mad #496: We kick George W. Bush one last time! PLUS and Al Jaffee 2009 Calendar.
My artwork for the parody of “The Dark Knight”, written by Desmond Devlin, appears in this issue. I will post a sneak peek tomorrow.
What are you waiting for? Go buy a copy, Clod!
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Nice job on the Dark Knight. Would that be a Mike Peters reference with the “Batdog”? I love the Michael Caine drawing in the opening spread.