MAD Draws a Blank… Cover
Those who frequent comic book shops and comic cons will be very familiar with “Sketch Covers”. For the rest of you, a sketch cover is a comic book (or magazine, or…) that has a blank cover with just the book’s title graphics in place. These are either the actual cover or, more often, a second cover on top of the printed cover and stapled in as a single comic. Sketch covers use a cardstock or heavyweight paper that is suitable for drawing on in pencil and marker, hence the name. Every time I do comic cons I get more than a few people who ask me to do sketch covers of various comics for them. Like these:
For the first time, MAD has a sketch cover variant with this latest issue, #538. You can only get it in comic book shops, and they only get a limited quantity of them, so they may be hard to find. Unused copies of the MAD #538 sketch cover variant are bound to be pretty tough to come by… not only because there were probably only a few thousand actually printed, but because the issue has been out for 2 days now and Sergio Aragonés has probably already drawn on 95% of them.
I have procured a few of these sketch cover MAD‘s, and will be offering them EXCLUSIVELY at comic cons with a sketch (duh) for a ridiculously overpriced amount yet to be determined. Sorry, no online orders for these at this time. I only have a few of them and I’d like to be able to do them at conventions. So, come visit me at one of these comic cons if you want a MAD sketch cover done!
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I’m not saying anything that anybody who visits this blog doesn’t already know, but you are AMAZING! What I see here and what I’ve seen you draw for fans is just above and beyond what anyone could expect. There is no “ridiculously overpriced amount” with you, Tom.
Do not worry. Sergio just drew some wild wacky stuff around the borders to make your big drawing in the middle look better.