Richmond Illustration Inc.
On the Stands: MAD #480
July 12th, 2007 | Posted in MAD Magazine
In comic book shops today and on newsstands on Tuesday, July 17th:
MAD # 480 (August 2007)
- Cover (James Bennett)
- The Fundalini Pages (Scott Bricher, John Caldwell, Paul Coker, John Crowther, Dick DeBartolo, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Leonardo Rodriguez, Steve Rosso, Irving Schild, Kiernan P. Schmitt, Eric Scott, Bob Staake, Jack Syracuse, Rick Tulka)
- Harry Plodder and the Torture of the Fanbase (Desmond Devlin, Tom Richmond)
- Things to Consider Before Accepting a Summer Job (Teresa Burns Parkhurst)
- Monroe and… Gone Internet Phishin’ (Tony Barbieri/Tom Fowler)
- If Chickens Could Time Travel (John Caldwell)
- Mad Has a Gay Old Time with Outtakes from I Now Pronounce you Chuck & Larry (Uncredited)
- Spy vs Spy (Peter Kuper)
- A Mad Look at Spiderman (Sergio Aragon?©s)
- Don’t You Hate It When Your Parents… The Sequel! (Jacob Lambert, Dave Crosland)
- The Simple Prisonbreak Life (Dave Croatto, Hermann Mejia)
- Everyday Pet Peeves of Transformers (Jacob Lambert, Tom Bunk)
- The “Secret” Is Out (A Mad Ad Parody) (Dave Croatto)
- FAQs about McDonald’s Trendy Makeover (Jacob Lambert, Evan Dorkin, Sarah Dyer)
- What The Heck is the Difference? (Kelly Freas)
- MAD Fold-In (Al Jaffe)
- Drawn Out Dramas (Sergio Aragon?©s)
- Next Month In Mad #481: Our parody of “300” drawn by legendary mad artist Mort Drucker!
So now I guess I can finally tell you… remember that big seven page parody I was working on in May? Yep, that was “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix“. Big surprise. I’ll post some sneak peeks of it tomorrow.
So what are you waiting for? Go buy a copy today, clod!
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This issue looks excellent.
How do you go about doing a parody of the movie before it comes out?
Also, what is “the secret?”
Concerning doing parodies in advance of a film’s release… that’s a long answer that is better off for the “Sunday Mailbag”.
As for “The Secret”… I have no idea.
Shh! It’s a secret! You’ll have to buy the magazine to find out! You too, Tom! Ehh, probably just a movie not well-promoted.
That magazine cover is now a LiveJournal icon on two of my journals. The top of “MAD”, the bottom of “Muggle!”, and the sides of the picture fit into a perfect square.
I’m writing to you for the first time. Just discovered your blog and your illustartions..You are probably the funniest cartoonist with an actually funny look, perfect for a your blog…and just got started with an amateur cartoonist….
Thanks for the kind words, cartoonizen.
Turns out “The Secret” is a self-help new age sort of book which claims negative thoughts are responsible for everything bad that happens to us. Whatever…