Happy Birthday MAD Blog!
Hard to believe it’s been two years already since the first post on The MAD Blog. Thanks to leap year and a (very) few multiple post days, this is post #791. Just when trying to come up with something new to write about or when writing a post begins to seem like a chore, I get another e-mail from someone telling me how much they love the blog and how much they get out of it, and they thank me for doing it.
As I’ve said before, it’s a kind of therapy for me to put down the drawing pen and write for a little while each day, so I get something from it as well. Thanks to all my regular readers, and welcome to the new ones.
For some highlights from the past two years, check out the links to my tutorials and some of the posts people find to be of continued interest.
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Congratulations, Tom! Uh-oh, this means your blog will be going through the “Terrible Twos”. As one of the “irregulars” let me echo once more my admiration for your work and the generosity you display on this wonderful blog. I can’t wait for the next tutorial! Thanks again, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
[…] Tom Richmond’s MAD blog is celebrating its second anniversary. Congrats on a fine publication, […]
Happy birthday to the MAD blog ! 🙂
Tom, this blog has been of immense help to me ! Thanks a ton for letting us in on your process !
Cant wait for the caricatures tutorials to continue…
Here’s to many more b’days for the blog !
Happy Birthday! Did you pay the ghost writer his commission? hahahahaha….! KEEP UP the great job your doing with the Blog Tom…. we do get so much from reading it everyday! THANKS!
Congrats, Tom, yes, I would reiterate that the body of work, the tutorials and your sense of humor keep me coming back!
Keep up the good work! I feel you are a friend.