Early Sketch o’the Week
I did this warm up sketch yesterday and, since I am extremely busy with a few jobs that need wrapping up today it’s all I have time to post. The subject is actor Samuel L. Jackson. This was from a small picture out of an entertainment magazine that jumped out at me as a good representation of him. Often reference pictures just do not capture a subject in a way that really speaks to the viewer of the subject’s complete persona. This is especially true of certain “rubber faced” actors or ones who change their looks drasticlly from role to role. Jackson can look very different with just a simple change of facial hair, glasses and more importantly expression. For some reason the crooked grin really caught my eye.
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That’s a belter Tom, a nice change from some of the more ‘intense’ SLJ caricatures out there. Hope you & the family have a great holiday, I look forward to following your adventures in 2009.
Bang on likeness, as always. I especially like the fact that it doesn’t look like every other Samuel L. Jackson caricature I’ve seen. He seems to be one of those celebrities that a lot of artists seem to caricature similarly. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Tom!!
Great sketch tom, and I cant wait to see hi changed accent, hair, facial expressions, and wardrobe for the new spirit movie. I dont know if sam jackson will be really good as the octopus or really weird.