2012 In Review
As the New Year dawns, we invariably look back at the last 12 months and take stock in the ups and downs of the year. I have a great deal to be thankful for . . . it will be tough to ever top 2012 for me. Here are some of my highlights, with links to blog posts (if any):
- NCS Announces On-Line Comics Divisional Award– There were some growing pains, but I was proud to have gotten this done with the support of my NCS board. (Look for some news about the expansion of this division next week!)
- Me on Tall Tale Radio! Always a pleasure to be a guest of Tom Racine’s great cartooning podcast
- I appear in Sergio Aragon?©s Funnies Comic-¬† Geek moment for me. Sergio is one of the greatest ever.
- 60 Years of MAD Exhibit at the Cartoon Art Museum– I has a couple of pieces in this…otherwise a great show!
- NCS Reubens in Las Vegas– My first to host as president
- I’m honored with the NCS Reuben Award– Still in disbelief over that.
- The Mad Art of Caricature Goes into Second Printing– I also sign a distribution deal for it to be sold in actual bookststores.
- Comic-Con!– Appeared on a MAD panel, multiple signings and a DC Kid’s Drawing workshop.
- West Coast Speaking Engagements– I appeared at the Cartoon Art Museum and the Charles M. Schulz Museum in San Fransisco and Santa Rosa, respectively, doing workshops and presentations.
- USO Cartoonists Tour– We were the last USO tour to visit the U.S.S. Enterprise before it was decommissioned.
- Drawing Caricatures for CNN at the DNC– A rare but very interesting live caricature gig.
- Third Printing for the Mad Art of Caricature!– Plus offering the new Limited Artist’s Edition.
- Bro Code for Parents– The first (non-MAD) book I illustrated is released.
- Wyakin Warriors Gala Ball– I was one of the speakers, and one of 13 cartoonists, at this event to benefit a worthy cause that supports our military wounded warriors.
Professionally quite a year. I did my usual work for MAD and other clients, plus some fun special projects like the 2012 Minnesota Twins team poster, some animated characters for a commercial, several episodes of the MAD show on the Cartoon Network, lot’s of Jeff Dunham artwork, and more.
Personally, there were some milestones in the Richmond household:
My youngest daughter, The Effervescent Gabrielle, graduated from high school and moved to Chicago for college in the fall. The Lovely Anna and I enjoyed a few trips here and there including Hawaii, L.A., San Fransisco, Pittsburgh, New York and Las Vegas, and celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary in September. Daughter The Dramatic Victoria started her junior year of college and student teaching. Number One Son Thomas got one of the lead roles in his high school musical production and won a Spotlight award for it, all while tackling his junior year. The Richmond’s took a cruise on the Disney Dream for our Christmas present to each other. Anna won bingo three times and had to wear a disguise the last day of the cruise so jealous and bitter loser players didn’t throw her overboard. The Animated Elizabeth slept through everything but dinner and a couple of shows. I managed to drink every specialty martini on the menu at the aft “Skyline” bar, then didn’t know what to order to drink after that first night. Gabrielle and Victoria broke several boy’s hearts, and young Tom just relaxed.
What does 2013 have in store?
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What does 2103 have in store?
Well, your youngest daughter will be about 108 years old, making her slightly less effervescent, and more obsolescent. And this website will probably have been renamed the Colostomy Blog!
$%#@#$ dyslexia.
Don’t know what Geezer saw. Your rhetorical question ( What does 2013 have in store?) showed up correctly on my iPhone.
I corrected the typo.
It’s all the Mayans’ fault!