2013 NCS Divisional Awards Call for Entries
The National Cartoonists Society is starting it’s annual call for entries for consideration for their NCS Divisional Awards recognizing excellence in professional cartooning. As always, you DO NOT have to be a member of the NCS to have your work considered for a divisional award… all that is required is that the work be eligible as detailed below.
Below you will find a list of the juries which will judge the categories, the jury chair and the address to which you will send your entry. As always, NO EMAIL SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED, with the exception of the Online Comics divisions, which allows emailed PDF submissions. Below is a short recap of several rules and guidelines, which govern the awards:
Please remember only recent work can be considered. This means work published between the dates of December 1, 2012 and December 31, 2013. Submitted work must be accompanied by verification of the date of first publication.
Please submit published tear sheets when possible and document when and where the work was published. Online Comics should provide links for verification of first publication date.
If your syndicated cartoon runs in both strip and panel format you can submit to one of those divisions, not both (your choice).
Your submissions must be submitted to their respective locations by February 15th, 2013.
Cartoonists are invited to submit their work (or the work of another professional) no later than February 15th, 2014, for consideration for one or more of the following Division Awards:
- NEWSPAPER ILLUSTRATION– Submit up to 6 samples of 2013 published work to: Sean Parkes, 16418 E. Desert Sage Drive, Unit #B, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 (sean@seanparkes.com) Judging will be done by the NCS Pittsburgh Chapter.
- GAG CARTOONS– Submit up to 12 samples of 2013 published work to: Hilary Price, 221 Pine Street Suite 414, Florence MA 01062-1267 (hilary@rhymeswithorange.com). Judging will be done by the NCS Manhattan Chapter.
- GREETING CARDS– Submit up to 6 samples of 2013 published work to: Ed Steckley, 43-07 39th Place, #3F, Sunnyside, NY 11104 (ed@edsteckley.com) Judging will be done by the NCS Long Island Chapter.
- NEWSPAPER COMIC STRIPS– Submit up to 12 samples of 2013 published work to: Hilary Price, 221 Pine Street Suite 414, Florence MA 01062-1267 (hilary@rhymeswithorange.com) Judging will be done by the NCS Southeastern US Chapter.
- NEWSPAPER PANEL CARTOONS– Submit up to 12 samples of 2013 published work to: Darrin Bell, 1923 Scott Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90020 (candorville@gmail.com) Judging will be done by the NCS North Central US Chapter.
- MAGAZINE FEATURE/MAGAZINE ILLUSTRATION– Submit up to 6 samples of 2013 published work to: Tom Richmond, 3421 E. Burnsville Pkwy., Burnsville, MN 55337 (tom@tomrichmond.com) Judging will be done by the NCS New Jersey Chapter.
- BOOK ILLUSTRATION– Send up to 6 samples of 2013 published work to: John Kovaleski, 42 South Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (john@kovaleski.com) Judging will be done by the NCS Connecticut Chapter.
- EDITORIAL CARTOONS– Submit up to 20 samples of 2013 published work to: John Kovaleski, 42 South Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (john@kovaleski.com) Judging will be done by the NCS Upstate New York Chapter.
- ADVERTISING and PRODUCT ILLUSTRATION– Submit up to 6 samples of 2013 published and marketed work to: John Hambrock, 7214 7th Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53143. (john@edisonlee.net) Judging will be done by the NCS Washington DC Chapter.
- COMIC BOOKS– Submit up to 3 samples of 2013 published work to: Bill Morrison, 786 Twillin Ct., Simi Valley, CA 93065 (roswell2@earthlink.net) Judging will be done by a specialty jury.
- GRAPHIC NOVELS– Submit book published in 2013 to: Bill Morrison, 786 Twillin Ct., Simi Valley, CA 93065 (roswell2@earthlink.net) Judging will be done by a specialty jury.
Both animation categories are accepting submissions of individual artists’ work for consideration. Submissions may be submitted by the artists themselves, or by the studios or other colleagues on the artists’ behalf. There is no charge for awards submissions.
Production designers, art directors, character designers, layout artists, background painters, character painters, and all other still art creators must submit five to ten samples of their work from a single production for each application. Samples may be physical prints or as JPEG files on a CD-R. If the samples contain work by anyone else, please include a detailed written breakdown of which art is attributed to the applicant.
Animators, storyboard artists, visual effects artists, and anyone else involved in creating moving or continuity art, please submit a reel of your work on a DVD or CD-R. (Storyboards will only be considered in animatic form.) If the samples contain work by anyone else, please include a detailed
written breakdown of which art is attributed to the applicant.
- TELEVISION ANIMATION– All entries must be work created for episodes of a television series that aired for the first time during the 2013 calendar year. Submit one or more samples as explained above to: Chad Frye, 518 E. Cypress Ave. #C, Burbank, CA 91501 (chad@chadfrye.com)
- FEATURE ANIMATION– All entries must be work created for a fully animated feature length movie released theatrically in the 2013 calendar year. Submit one or more samples as explained above to: David Folkman, NCS Los Angeles Chapter, 6171 W. Century Blvd. #160, Los Angeles, CA 90045 (folkmanart@aol.com)
All Online Comics submissions must adhere to the following:
– Must be web only publication (any syndication in print should submit to proper print division above)
– Must have shown consistent timely publication over the course of the 2013 calendar year (weekly, bi-weekly, multiple times a week, daily, etc.)
– Creator must earn the greater part of their living directly from cartooning/comic art in order to meet the requirement that they be eligible for professional NCS membership
- Additional specific requirements:
- Can be strip, single panel, single or partial page format
- Must be mainly self-contained gag, story, or narrative in each short comic, even if also part of ongoing narrative
- Must document date of first posting/release
Submit 12 samples, submitted via mail or as PDF with bio/entry form to: Ed Steckley, 43-07 39th Place, #3F, Sunnyside, NY 11104 (ed@edsteckley.com) Judging will be done by the NCS Chicago Chapter.
- Additional specific requirements:
- Can be posted in single or multiple page format
- Must be ongoing narrative in serial form i.e. continuing comic book/graphic novel storyline
- Must document date of first posting/release of each episode/page/segment
- Minimum monthly or twelve times per year release schedule
Submit 12 samples, submitted via mail or as PDF with bio/entry form to: Tom Richmond, 3421 E. Burnsville Pkwy., Burnsville, MN 55337 (tom@tomrichmond.com) Judging will be done by the NCS Northern California Chapter.
Submissions should include an entry form and bio sheet.
All winners will be announced at the 68th Annual Reuben Awards Dinner in San Diego, CA, on May 24th, 2014.
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“Must have shown consistent timely publication over the course of the 2012 calendar year…” should be 2013!
D’OH! Thanks.
[…] Reuben.org for division award categories, deadline and submission […]