MAD Oscar Cover Art
MAD has had a number of different series of reprint collections over the years, Super-Specials, MAD XL, MAD Color Classics, MAD Classics, etc. The last few years they have been doing “Bookazines“, which are perfect bound Special Collectors Editions usually centered around some theme or whatnot. These have have original covers, and I did the cover art for the newest one that will be on news stands, bookstores, and comic book shops, this week: “MAD Presents Oscar Winners (and Losers!)”!! Final art above, here’s how it looks in print:
These specials are printed on nice, heavy, glossy stock, so while everything is a reprint the art looks a lot snappier. Two of my pieces are included, “Traff-ecch” from MAD #405, May 2001 and “American Sniper” from MAD #533, June 2015.
Now what are you waiting for, clod? Go out and buy a copy!!
By the way, the “Alfred Oscar” statue is based on the original cover of MAD #231, June 1982 by Harry North:
… later redone as a sculpture by Liz Lomax for the 2003 book “MAD About the Oscars”:
Thanks Doug Gilford and the MAD Cover Site for a couple of the cover images above.
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One more for the completists out there…
Nice work Tom!