Richmond Illustration Inc.
MAD 541 Sneak Peek- Fixer Upper!
August 3rd, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Ordinarily I have to wait until the issue actually hits the stands before I can share any of the work I did in the latest MAD. However, Newsarama posted an exclusive sneak peek at Dick DeBartolo and my parody of the HGTV show “Fixer Upper”… so the cat is out of the bag! Splash page above, page 2 here:
Incidentally, just for fun I drew my good friends Ed and Heather Steckley in as the couple on the show (so to speak)… at least they were my friends until they got a load of this.
MAD #541 is slated for newsstands on Aug 16th, but it got released early and is already in subscriber’s mailboxes, with digital release scheduled Friday.
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How do they feel about you posting Sergio’s marginals? Just kidding
You should do some about Bravo’s real housewives shows
So many tv show parodies, so little time.
Funny that you capture his wig making him sweat.