Archive for October 29th, 2015

SI Kids Thanksgiving Illustration

October 29th, 2015 | Posted in Freelancing

The November issue of Sports Illustrated Kids (now on news stands) features this two page spread illustration by moi depicting some popular athletes enjoying (or not) Thanksgiving. See how many you recognize. Clicky to embiggen… READ MORE

MAD #536 Real Sneak Peek!

September 29th, 2015 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I must be clairvoyant. Yesterday I posted a small, cropped image as a “sneak peek” from what will be my piece in the next issue of MAD. Hours later News-a-Rama posts the entire article! So, here’s a real sneak peek at MAD #536– “Home Renovations: HGTV vs. Real Life” written by Teresa Burns Parkhurst with art by moi (clicky any to embiggen). READ MORE

13 Days of the Doctor #4- Tom Baker!

August 29th, 2015 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Here is another of the Doctors… Doctor number four Tom Baker! Again, these are pencil studies for my new, updated Doctor Who limited edition print which will debut at NYCC in October! As always, this sketch is available for purchase in the Studio Store. READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- Rachel McAdams!

July 29th, 2015 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Here’s another sketch of one of the stars of season two of HBO’s “True Detective”, Rachel McAdams. As always, this drawing is available for purchase in the Studio Store! READ MORE

Monday MADness: Man of Steel Cover!

June 29th, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness

This is the closest I’ve gotten to doing an actual MAD cover… the cover of a special Superman issue from 2013. Here are the roughs and some close ups of the city painting that took forever. READ MORE

Let Them Eat Cake…

May 29th, 2015 | Posted in General

One of the highlights of the NCS Reuben Weekend was the cake we had made as part of the King Features 100th Anniversary celebration last Friday. Fans of the Food Network’s “Ace of Cakes” show know Duff Goldman and his team of pastry artists at Charm City Cakes. Since the 2015 Reuben Awards Weekend was in nearby Washington D.C., we decided to pay Charm City Cakes a visit in Baltimore with an eye on having a cake made honoring King Feature’s Centennial. What you see is what they came up with. Here’s my original design: It was an adventure in more ways than one. First,… READ MORE

Presidential Caricatures #21- Chester Arthur!

April 29th, 2015 | Posted in Presidential Caricatures

Fun Facts: Loved fancy clothes, owned over 80 pairs of pants and was nicknamed “Elegant Arthur”; His sister Mary served as the First Lady because Arthur’s wife died; was a good banjo player and expert fisherman. READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag: Parody and Copyright and Prints?

March 29th, 2015 | Posted in Mailbag

These are a couple of follow up questions I’ve gotten via Twitter or email on the subject of selling prints of copyrighted characters: You mention that making limited edition prints is allowed. I’ve never heard that before. Do you have any source for that? I would not say it’s “allowed”. I’d say it is better defensible under a First Amendment defense because “fine art” is better recognized as a traditional vehicle for free speech. That advice was imparted to me by lawyers I consulted in a Chicago based firm specializing in Right of Publicity and Copyright issues when researching an article I was writing. They… READ MORE


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