Archive for July 29th, 2012

Sunday Mailbag

July 29th, 2012 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Q: When doing your movie and TV parodies, and occasional other stuff for MAD, how closely do you work with the writers on a given piece? A: This question was actually put to me at the MAD panel at Comic-Con, and I thought it would be a good one to answer here in the Sunday Mailbag. The answer is: I don’t directly work with the writers at all, ever. Any questions or concerns I have with the script I take to MAD art director Sam Viviano, who will go to the writer if it’s something he cannot answer and then relay the response to me.… READ MORE

The Reuben

May 29th, 2012 | Posted in General

I’ve finally got a few minutes to breathe now that the 2012 NCS Reuben Awards Weekend is over and my duties as president and host for the event are (mostly) over. We are headed back home today . . . in fact I am writing this at 32,000 feet on my way back to Minnesota. It was a great weekend and I am proud of how it turned out. The Lovely Anna literally worked herself sick, had no voice left at all on Monday and was an incredible hostess. Actually winning the Reuben for “Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year”? Shocked, stunned, speechless, floored . .… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag

April 29th, 2012 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: I work a 40 hour week, 50 weeks a year, and have been since 1978. I see actual retirement in the next ten years. As a artist and freelancer, what does retirement look like for you? No plan at all, freelance part time, or continue present pace until last breath is exhaled? A: Freelancer artists face the same challenges to retirement that any self-employed person does. You have no employer who is providing a pension plan for you, so sou simply have to plan ahead for it . . .¬¨‚Ć and the younger you are when you do it, the better. Social Security is… READ MORE

The Real MAD Men!

March 29th, 2012 | Posted in MAD Magazine

  The National Cartoonists Society Reubens Awards are taking place in Las Vegas over Memorial Day weekend. The awards themselves are only part of the festivities… NCS members are going to be treated to some great speakers in Ray Billingsley (Curtis), Jim Davis (Garfield), Stan Goldberg (Archie, recipient of the NCS Gold Key Award), Butch Hartmann (The Fairly Oddparents, Danny Phantom, T.U.F.F. Puppy), Mark Simon (Animatics and Storyboards, Inc.) discussion publicity and promotion and a panel of cartoonists talking about making a living in cartooning in the 21st Century including Michael Jantze (The Norm), Dave Kellett (Sheldon, Drive) and John Lotshaw (Accidental Centaurs). Plus, the… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week

February 29th, 2012 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

  This week’s sketch subject is Dexter star Jennifer Carpenter. She has a very long face, a crooked mouth and small, angular eyes very far apart. READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag

January 29th, 2012 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: I remember about a year ago you wrote a post about the decline in quality of Strathmore bristol boards, a brand you used with your work. Whatever happened with that? Did you find a suitable replacement? Have the Strathmore boards improved? A: Here is the post to which you refer: Strathless Bristol Bored. I contacted Strathmore about my concerns and found their customer service department very receptive to working with me. They were concerned and, while they didn’t come right out and say it, I got the feeling mine was not the first complaint they had received. They asked me to send them some… READ MORE

Drew drew at ISCA Con

December 29th, 2011 | Posted in General

Caricaturist extraordinaire and fellow member of the Usual Gang of Idiots Drew Friedman was the guest speaker at the International Society of Caricature Artists convention held last month in St. Pete’s Beach, Florida. Drew has posted a wrap-up of his trip, including lots of pictures and a transcript of a Q & A he did as part of one of his two presentations that week. Well worth a look. READ MORE

TMAoC Book on Amazon! Need Reviews!

November 29th, 2011 | Posted in General

Phase two of the marketing of my book, The Mad Art of Caricature! is on with the listing of the book on As I discussed in this post, listing the book through on-line retailers like Amazon (and soon Barnes and Noble) brings the book beyond the relatively narrow audience of this blog and offers it to the world-at-large. The trade off is that Amazon takes a whopping 55% of the cover price, and I have to pay to ship the copies to them, so the amount of profit I realize on a sale through them is significantly less than when I sell it directly… READ MORE


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