Archive for September 29th, 2009

MAD in North Carolina

September 29th, 2009 | Posted in News

This past weekend the Southeast chapter of the National Cartoonists Society had a chapter event in Asheville, NC featuring a whole gaggle of members of the “Usual Gang of Idiots”, plus a bunch of other terrific cartoonists. I wish I would have been able to attend, but it was just impossible for me to get away. The lineup of speakers above is certainly stellar. However, due to the magic of the internet here are three YouTube videos featuring Nick Meglin and Jack Davis. Great stuff from two great guys: EDIT- Sadly somebody objected to the posting of these videos, presumably either Nick or Jack, and… READ MORE

Minnesota Cartoon Art Show

August 29th, 2009 | Posted in News

Yesterday was the official opening of the previously mentioned cartoon art show in Aitkin, MN, and today is the opening reception gala: August 28 – October 3, 2009 In the Main Gallery at the Jaques Art Center, 121 Second Street North West, Aitkin, MN Artist reception: August 29, 1-4 pm public is welcome! What’s So Funny? features an entire gallery of original cartoon art including comic strips, comic book art, panel cartoons, editorial cartoons, advertising art, book illustration, caricatures, animation art, cells, and storyboards and more created by many of the world’s foremost cartoonists including Charles Schulz (Peanuts) and Jim Davis (Garfield). If you are… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week

July 29th, 2009 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Today’s sketch is a quick self portrait along with an update on my surgically repaired left shoulder. For those of you not familiar with the story I tore one of my left rotator cuff muscles lifting weights while on vacation in Jamaica… I blame the metric system. I just passed 4 months since the surgery and while my doctor and physical therapist are very happy with the progress I am getting impatient. A few weeks ago I was cleared to start slowly strengthening my rotator cuff muscles, but I have a long way to go before my left shoulder will be stable enough for me… READ MORE

Caricatures in St. Louis

June 29th, 2009 | Posted in General

I am returning today from a trip visiting my caricatures operations in the St. Louis, MO area at Union Station and Six Flags. READ MORE

On the Drawing Board 5/29/09

May 29th, 2009 | Posted in On the Drawing Board

After the intensity that was the book job I had prior to Memorial Day, I actually don’t mind having a light board right now. I’ve got a small project for MAD #501 to finish up, and then no other jobs pending. Just in time for me to turn to my theme park operations and give them a little attention. I just finished up this poster job for The Marlin Co., which they allow me to share on the blog right away. Due to some of the layers being merged and then saved I don’t have a copy of just the inks, but here is the… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week

April 29th, 2009 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Here’s another quick study attempt at actress Amy Adams. I did one a few months ago I was not too happy with. This one is certainly less of an exaggeration and still not quite on target. This was from a small picture where she is in her role of Amelia Earhart from the “Night in the Museum” sequel. Update- Here’s a scan of the reference I used. My observations keyed in on her big, round eyes and small, thin mouth. Image from Entertainment Weekly used under Fair Use. READ MORE

Happy 80th Birthday, Mort Drucker

March 29th, 2009 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Mort Drucker and Me, NYC 2000 No “Sunday Mailbag” this week, as these birthday wishes are much more important. Today is supposedly MAD Magazine legend Mort Drucker‘s 80th birthday. I say “supposedly” because although Mort’s Wikipedia entry and other sources list March 29th, 1929 as his birth date, the book “Familiar Faces: The Art of Mort Drucker” claims it is March 22nd, 1929. I don’t know which to believe, but considering the relative ease at which an error in the date could be corrected in an on-line biography and that one in a book printed in 1988 is incorrectable, I have to conclude the internet… READ MORE

Bad MAD Timing?

January 29th, 2009 | Posted in General

Funny how life works. Last week DC Comics and Time Warner announced that MAD will be going from a monthly to a quarterly publication, presumably due to dropping circulation amid the increasing costs and difficulties of a badly ailing magazine marketplace. Almost simultaneously, MAD began getting the most attention I’ve seen it receive in a long time from the media and on the internet from its latest issue, cover pictured above. The inside of the issue featured “The First 100 Minutes of the Obama Presidency” as well as the feature I did the art for and previously mentioned, “MAD Exposes Who’s Thinking What at the… READ MORE


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