Archive for December 29th, 2008
December 29th, 2008 | Posted in Surf's Up Dept.
I’m busy working on a few jobs right now, but here are some tidbits from the last week of interest around the interwebby: Who Blotches the Watchmen Dept. Fox, that’s who. On Christmas Eve Judge Gary Allen Feess issued a ruling in favor of Fox in the rights dispute case over the new Watchmen movie that is supposed to premiere on March 3rd. Fox alleged that they owned the rights to produce and distribute a Watchmen movie, and that producer Larry Gordon was breaking a contract between himself and Fox guaranteeing those rights by producing the Zack Synder film and distributing it through Warner Bros.… READ MORE
November 29th, 2008 | Posted in General
The new book above by former New York Times Op-Ed art director of 13 years Jerelle Kraus promises to be an interesting look into the thought process, decision making and insider information of the approval (or rejection) of illustration in the Times’ Op-Ed pages. The book’s description states that within you will find: Episodic essays accompanied by illustrations re-create the battles between art directors and editors that have raged since the Times created the world’s first op-ed page in 1970. The works of famous Times illustrators like Brad Holland and Roland Topor, are enriched by Kraus’s presentation of the controversies associated with their publication or… READ MORE
October 29th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Here’s a stab at the famously hard-to-caricature William Shatner. Actually these days he’s a lot easier to capture than he was in the 60’s as a younger man. Boston Legal is one of The Lovely Anna‘s favorite TV shows. BTW, sorry for the ugly “©2008 Tom Richmond” in the image, but I am going to start adding that to anything I put on the internet to try and safeguard as best I can against the possible passage someday of the Orphan Works Act. READ MORE
September 29th, 2008 | Posted in News
A few weeks ago I mentioned a special USO and NCS sponsored trip I would be taking where several cartoonists would be visiting U.S. military hospitals in Germany to spend some time with wounded soldiers and medical staff. I am currently in Washington D.C., where today our little group of cartoonist will be visiting the Walter Reed Medical Center and the Bathesda Naval Base to see staff and recovering war veterans. Tonight we will fly out of Washington-Dulles to Heathrow in London, with just a short layover (sorry Steve Hearn, I am airport-bound there) before we are off to Frankfurt and from there to Landstuhl.… READ MORE
August 29th, 2008 | Posted in General
Eccccch! READ MORE
July 29th, 2008 | Posted in General
I’ve only done live caricatures a handful of times this summer, and it seems like every time I forget to bring my camera. Yesterday I didn’t forget, so here are a few of the live ones I did and the subjects: READ MORE
June 29th, 2008 | Posted in General
Q: I read your recent posts about Will Elder and Bill Gaines, and how you never got to meet them. What MAD legends have you met, and who do you still want to meet? A: I want to meet everybody of course, be they “legends” or just your run of the mill members of the “Usual Gang of Idiots”. Meeting the “legends” is unfortunately becoming a little more urgent a goal. Sadly a few of the early artists and writers from MAD have passed away. That’s not surprising… MAD‘s 500th issue will be on newsstands in February of next year, which also marks MAD‘s 57th… READ MORE
May 29th, 2008 | Posted in On the Drawing Board
I’m really up against it right now, but here’s a poster illustration from last week, pencils, inks and color: Click for a closer look Click for a closer look I’m currently killing myself on a MAD job due tomorrow, followed by the finals of the “Super Capers” movie job and then the web game design job. Then….. ????? READ MORE