Archive for August 29th, 2007

Sketch O’The Week

August 29th, 2007 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Here’s something a little different for “Sketch O’The Week”. This was a rough sketch for one of several spot illustrations to accompany a story in Fade In Magazine about Hollywood talent agents. The assignment was to do a full page and three spots illustrating some of the points interviewed insiders were making about agents and how they operate. This one was rejected as they didn’t understand what I was trying to convey… the idea was to visually demonstrate how agents like to throw money around driving expensive cars, etc. Of course, a BMW Z-3 is hardly a super car, but I like drawing that car.… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag

July 29th, 2007 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: Does anyone ever get angry or offended by a live caricature you’ve done? And if so, how do you handle it? You seem like such a diplomatic and eloquent guy on your blog, but maybe that is the result of thoughtful editing. Tell us some stories! A: These days I have little problem with people getting angry over their caricatures when I draw live because after 22 years I am pretty good at reading a person’s tolerance for caricature and exaggerate only when I think they can handle it. I always err on the side of caution if I am unsure, and frankly my… READ MORE

On the Drawing Board

June 29th, 2007 | Posted in On the Drawing Board

Extremely busy on several jobs right now, and two new ones on top of that. After wrapping up pencils on a MAD job and another project today, I got a chance to do the pencils on that Sherlock Holmes audiobook project. The client wants me to create a caricature-like image of Holmes without doing an actual caricature of any of the actors who have portrayed him. Here’s what I came up with: Doing something like that isn’t as complicated as it might sound. After all, the image of Sherlock Holmes is well defined in pop culture’s visual lexicon. All I need do is design a… READ MORE

2007 Reuben Report

May 29th, 2007 | Posted in News

I’m back from another terrific time at the NCS Reuben awards. The board members and officers really work hard to make this event fun, entertaining and relaxing every year. They secure the sponsorship of the major syndicates like United Media, King Features and others to pay for lavish dinners, parties and gatherings throughout the weekend, which also includes a number of guest speakers and plenty of time left over to hang out with friends and colleagues. Sleep is often an afterthought, with parties going until the wee hours every day. Festivities kicked off this year on Friday with two guest speakers, Jerry Van Amerongen and… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag

April 29th, 2007 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: I have unsuccessfully searched the web and several art books on the simple topic of Inkwashing. I would like to know the technique for preparing the wash. Do you mix the ink and water ad hock as you are using it, or do you measure out 1 or 2 drops per ounce of water into several containers and create your own solutions for use later on? I have arbitrarily made some batches but it seems to me there must be some standard procedures?? A: I don’t do a lot of ink and wash illustrations anymore as it’s so much easier to just add the… READ MORE

This and That

March 29th, 2007 | Posted in News

New Photoshop Arriving Shortly- Adobe officially announced the newest version of their Creative Suite (CS) applications on Tuesday, which includes a new version of Photoshop called CS3. Some of the software will be shipping in April with the rest in the third quarter of 2007. I’m not a big fan of getting the latest versions of software upon release. There are ALWAYS bugs and issues that need ironing out, and there is invariably a service release several months later. Plus it’s tough to justify the expense of upgrading when the product version I currently use is doing the job nicely. And with Adobe, it’s VERY… READ MORE

National Gorilla Suit Day

January 29th, 2007 | Posted in News

Over on his excellent blog, Mark Evanier is busy shaming other cartoonist bloggers to get on board and help promote National Gorilla Suit Day, which as everybody knows takes place on January 31st each year. I am ashamed to say I have not done my part. The banner above links to this article (links removed as Mark took down those pages) by Mark about the mysterious origins of National Gorilla Suit Day. It began, as almost all nonsensical and idiotic things do, with Don Martin. A series of cartoons in the 1964 book Don Martin Bounces Back! concerns the misadventures of Fester Bestertester and his… READ MORE

Sketch O’The Day

December 29th, 2006 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

The cranial-endowed Reese Witherspoon: READ MORE


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