Sketch O’The Day
Recent Octogenarian, singer Tony Bennett: READ MORE
Recent Octogenarian, singer Tony Bennett: READ MORE
I had no idea the following was going on: FROM THE ILLUSTRATORS’ PARTNERSHIP Groups Form Illustrators’ Rights Coalition A coalition of U.S. illustrators’ organizations have come together to speak with one voice on behalf of artists’ reprographic rights. That was the message delivered by the Illustrators’ Partnership to the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organizations (IFRRO) which met in conference Oct. 28 ?¬¢‚Äö?ᬮ” Nov. 2 in Auckland, New Zealand. Representing the coalition were artists Cynthia Turner and Brad Holland of the Illustrators’ Partnership and Terrence Brown, Director of the Society of Illustrators. The twelve groups are: The Illustrators’ Partnership The Association of Medical Illustrators The… READ MORE
Q: I’ve been looking everywhere for the materials you mentioned in your inking tutorial. Where can I get Gillott nibs and that stuff? A: Few if any art stores carry anything but a few token inking supplies, mostly in the form of “Cartooning Kits”. Ecccch. Thank goodness for the internet. Here are some sources for inking supplies: Gillot Pen nibs: Tough to find these in the US. You have to order them from overseas, and that’s expensive. But, if you have to have them, try: Scribblers (UK) John Neal Booksellers There are others but these are under $1.00 US each. If you look elsewhere, usually… READ MORE
As I wrote last week, Saturday the 23rd was The Lovely Anna and my 18 year wedding anniversary. We had a lovely dinner in an excellent french restaurant in Minneapolis… it’s nice to be married to someone who’s company is still the best thing about any day. We exchanged gifts as well, of course. In the last 18 years, I’ve given her diamonds, furniture, collectors statues, trips and more diamonds… I try to spoil her. Still no matter what I come up with or how much it might cost I will never be able to top the present she got for me for our 10… READ MORE
Yep. Here we go again! I should have some images to post later today or tomorrow from the current frenzy! READ MORE
For Mother’s Day this year I got my wife a trip to New York City with me and three of my kids (left the autistic one at home with a friend, she HATES NYC) for 4 nights and tickets to an event at Radio City Music Hall. The event was something I came across on the Internet and was so perfect for us I could not pass it up. It’s a charity event called “An Evening with Harry, Carrie and Garp”, featuring three authors reading from their works and interacting with the audience. The reason it is so perfect is that the three authors involved… READ MORE
I got my start as a professional artist drawing caricatures at a theme park near Chicago during the summers between college semesters. That is a hard and challenging thing to do, believe me. I eventually started my own caricature concession operations, and now have a few around the country, including here in Minnesota as well as Georgia, Missouri and Massachusetts. Live caricature is a unique art form. It involves both art and performance. The most successful excel at both, but one or the other will get you by. I learned to draw caricatures at the theme park, thanks to having the opportunity to draw and… READ MORE
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