EyeToons Cartoon Show Reception
The Minneapolis College of Art and Design were gracious hosts for the cartoon art show that opened last Friday, and coincided with our NCC meeting this weekend. Several of the cartoonists attending the meeting were on hand Friday for the opening reception. The space was great and the presentation terrific. MCAD and in particular Kristin Makholm, the MCAD Director of Gallery and Exhibition Programs really knocked themselves out to corral this stack of original cartoon art from all over central USA and turn it into a classy looking show (as classy as you can get with anything from MAD included). Here are some pictures of the opening reception. Photo credits: Mike Edholm
Gallery vistors enjoying Mike Edholm’s “Martians” paintings
The work was matted and under glass, with
cartoon word balloons for labels
One of the longer walls, Jeff Koterba’s Omaha Herald editorial cartoons in the foreground
I don’t think they get the joke(s)…
Michael Jantze and I wondering how this hack got his MAD artwork into the show…
Sioux Falls cartoonist Ken Alvine and St. Cloud cartoonist Dave Phipps
Some excited MCAD students meet Michael Jantze (The Norm)
Student intensely studies some funny pictures…
My “School of Rock” splash, one of my three pieces in the show
Jerry Van Amerognen (Ballard Street), Bill Brewer (Hallmark and chapter chairman), Minneapolis Major R.T. Rybak and myself.
There was great diversity in the stlye of cartooning in the show
Dave Phipps and Judy Alvine admire some comic strip panels
Comic book artist/inker and MCAD teacher Terry Beatty, Rochester MN editorial cartoonist Ed Fischer, Ken and Judy Alvine.
This guy is checking his pulse. Maybe the cartoons are too stimulating for him?
Here’s a complete list of cartoonists in the show:
- Ken Alvine (educational cartooning)
- Bill Amend (Foxtrot)
- Charles Barsotti (The New Yorker)
- Jim Bertram (editorial and freelance cartooning)
- Bill Brewer (Greeting cards)
- Matt Daigle (Comic Art)
- Tom Eaton (editorial cartoons/ greeting cards)
- Mike Edholm (Magazine, feature film cartooning)
- Joe Engesser (gag cartoons)
- Benita Epstein (gag cartoons)
- Paul Fell (editorial cartoons)
- Tedd Goff (web gag cartoons)
- Bob Hall (Comic Books)
- Cedric Honstadt (freelance humorous illustrator)
- Bucky Jones (freelance humorous illustrator)
- Lee Judge (editorial cartoons)
- Jeff Koterba (editorial cartoons)
- Dan Martin (editorial, freelance illustration)
- David Phipps (freelance humorous illustrator)
- Charlie Podrebarac (gag cartoons)
- Tom Richmond (still faking it)
- Jerry Van Amerongen (Ballard Street)
- Bill Whitehead (editorial, gag cartoons)
The reception was fun with a nice spread of Hors d’oeuvres, fruit and cheeses. We cartoonists don’t have it this good very often. The show runs through Oct. 22nd. If any readers will be in the Twins Cities area between now and then, it’s worth a stop. Gallery hours are Mon-Fri: 9 a.m.- 8 p.m., Sat.: 9:00 a.m.- 5 p.m., Sun.: Noon- 5 p.m.
I have lots of photos and details about the rest of the events, including the FallCon comic book convention chapter appearance and panel discussion, our chapter dinner at O’Gara’s, our speaking engagement at MCAD and a live radio show from my studio on Sunday by St. Paul cartoonist and fellow chapter meeting organizer David Phipps, who also hosts “The Creative Show, with Dave Phipps” on KNSI AM radio in St. Cloud, MN. I’ll post them tomorrow and Wednesday, as this is already getting overly long.
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Looks fantastic Tom – Love the pic of the dude checking his pulse.. gold.
By the way Cedric Honstadt has a nice blog at: http://cedricstudio.blogspot.com/
Tom, you have a second career as a journalist. You covered the NCS/NCC weekend really well. Not to mention being a fabulous co-host (Phipps made me say that). What a terrific weekend it was! Thanks to all the folks at MCAD, to Cedric for all his hard work, to his wife for making him do all that hard work, to the folks at the Fall Con, and to everybody I’m forgetting …
See you next time.
Tom, you neglected to tell everyone how all that cheese affected your system. I’ve never seen a gallery clear out so fast in my life. ___Although, there was that one time when Edholm…….
Looks like a great show. I’m so sorry that I missed it! A special greeting and congratulations to Mike Edholm. Are you originally from Lincoln, Nebraska, Mike? Did you attend Hawkeye Tech in the 70’s? Could be a blast from the past! Please let me know. Steve Rye