8 Days of Batmen- Christian Bale!

August 22nd, 2014 | Posted in News


Star of the Christopher Nolan “Dark Knight” movie trilogy, Christian Bale. One of eight caricatures from my new limited edition print “Bats in the Belfry”, debuting this weekend at Wizard World Chicago Comic Con, and onsale in The Studio Store on Monday!


  1. Isaiah Shipp says:

    Awesome!!! I was curious to see if you’d do Batman Begins Bale or DK/DKR suit. Personally I like the first suit better.

  2. Batman Notes says:

    These have been fantastic Tom! Can’t wait to see the new limited edition print ‚Äö√Ñ√∫Bats in the Belfry‚Äö√Ñ√π!

  3. Batman Notes says:

    Hey Tom, I also meant to ask, do you think you’ll ever do Bale in The Dark Knight costume? The Batman Begins one looks great, but I always seem to picture him in the costume he wore in The Dark Knight.


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