A Book Milestone!

Well, I’m not sure it’s quite a “milestone”, but my book The Mad Art of Caricature! recently hit 400 ratings on Amazon. 86% are 5 star, and 95% are 4 stars or greater! That’s a nice thing to happen just as I am arranging the 11th printing. That’s right… ELEVEN. I am continually amazed at the staying power of this book. BTW, this new printing will feature one new element… a second forward by the great Al Jaffee!!
As for version 2.0, I’m afraid that is on hold, probably for a very long time. I’ve got too many other long term projects in the pipeline right now to spend a lot of time redoing a book that keeps selling well. But don’t worry. Those of you interested in the new stuff that are part of my workshops there will be another way to get that information soon! 😉
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It’s awesome, Tom. Well deserved.