Richmond Illustration Inc.
A MAD Rejection
July 29th, 2010 | Posted in MAD Magazine
This letter is making the rounds on the interwebby, so…
I first send my work to MAD back in about 1990 and got a rejection letter at that time, but this is not it. As I recall it was in the form of a checklist that had different reasons for the rejection, and it had the same sort of irreverent humor. Sorry now I didn’t save that… it would have been fun to frame up in the studio.
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Ha,ha,ha that;s some funny stuff!
On the letter there seems to be a faint image. Adjusted the contrast in Photoshop and Alfred E. Neuman appeared. Great!
You know, I might send something in to MAD just to get one of those. With my luck, though, I’d probably just get accepted and never get one.
I have two of those form rejection letters from 1991-92. They’re somewhere in the garage or buried in a time capsule under our septic tank. I’ll see if I can dig them up….
I also received that same rejection letter. It softened the blow of getting turned down in a very enjoyable way. I would still have preferred an acceptance, though.
The image of Alfred E. Neuman is a watermark, I know because I got a rejection letter back in ’73 or ’74 on the same stationary. I wasn’t thrilled at being (rightly) rejected, but to a 13-year old, having a humorous personalized note signed by Al Feldstein certainly took the sting out of it.
They don’t give rejection letters/emails if you send stuff in by email though.