A Monday MADness Random Panel(s)!

MAD often had a knack for predicting the future, mostly because in pointing out the absurdities, hypocrisies, and fallacies of their subject matter through satire, they were usually right on target. Baby Yoda, anyone? These panels are from MAD‘s spoof of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” from MAD #539, June 2016, written by the mysterious David Richards.
Incidentally I posted this in honor of this past weekend’s release of “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker”, which I actually got to see and enjoyed quite a lot.
Since it looks like MAD has abandoned their long running TV/movie parody features, it seems that “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” will be the first Star Wars movie NOT to get a movie parody in the pages of MAD (although “Solo” only got a page long mini-spoof). Maybe a couple of enterprising members of the “Usual Gang of Idiots” will take it upon themselves to do a spoof of SW:tRoS and other films and TV shows in some form of crowdfunded publication…?
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Wasn’t there some talk of the NYC guys getting together and doing just that?! I’d be all in in terms of support.
When I saw people reacting my mind went to Mort Drucker’s parody of Gremlins where Billy said that Gizmo “looked like a midget Yoda in drag”.
If your last sentence was merely a way to gauge the reaction to such an idea, then let me tell you now: I’m all in!
Who do we know with Mad parody and self publishing experience?
If only there were some way to make this happen. Gosh, if only.