A Real MAD Cover!
I’ve lately been posting all these “mock” MAD Magazine cover commissions I’ve been doing, so it’s nice that I can now finally show the REAL MAD cover I did a few weeks ago. The gang at MAD (can you call two people, Suzy Hutchinson and Bern Mendoza, a “gang”? I guess so… of IDIOTS!) just revealed the cover of MAD #20, with art by me! This one was a very last second job for reasons I won’t go into. The image is obviously based on what was the “placeholder” image for the advanced solicitations of the issue:
A “placeholder” cover is an image the publisher uses in place of the actual cover of an issue (or book, or some other publication) when they solicit for the sale of the publication to distributors but the final cover is not ready yet, or they don’t want to reveal it. MAD does this all the time. This placeholder image is a panel from a Don “Duck” Edwing and Jack Davis one page gag feature entitled “A Monster Gag” that first appeared in MAD #331, Oct 1994 and was recently reprinted in MAD #16, with color by Carrie Strachan. Suzy and Bern used the final panel of that piece, with the addition of an Alfred head on the falling pilot and the “Gagzilla vs. King Korn” tagline, for use as the placeholder in the advance solicitations. The extra work done on the image plus the addition of the price and issue number/date led to speculation among MAD aficionados this was going to be the actual cover. Close… but nope. The actual cover was to be a reimagining of the same gag.
This is my fourth cover for the magazine, and my first time illustrating a gag written by the late Duck Edwing.
Suzy and Bern did a little tweaking of my original image, which was a lot more color intense. Just for fun here’s the way the cover I turned in looked:
This was probably a bit too colorful and saturated. It was fun to get to do another cover, even on a short turnaround time. Thanks to Suzy for giving me the assignment!
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Tom! That was some nice artwork you did. For a last minute assignment, I’m impressed. It would be nice to see the two different covers side by side, so we can better compare the placeholder cover vs the new cover. Thankfully, this last minute cover is somewhat original, but based on older material. I remember several cases where original art pieces had last minute changes. Mad number 300, back in 1991, had a last minute chage, as the image of President Bush lighting the American Flag was inappropiate when the war just started, then. There are other examples that can be seen on Doug Gillford”s webpage.
It’s really nice to see Suzy ask different artists create covers for Mad Magazine. I did find your signature. I’ll consider your cover a tribute to Jack Davis. It’s nice to see new covers for Mad, too, although I will admit that I miss seeing new material for Mad, too. It’ll be fun to see the Movie spoofs in the next issue.
I really like the more saturated cover. Very eye catching!
Your cover is worth the price of the issue! Nice to see the old MAD logo back. Hopefully, for good.
I’m a Big fan of Godzilla movies, and Godzilla is king of monsters! I like the MAD cover of Godzilla and King Kong for the new movie Godzilla vs. King Kong, it’s Awesome!
Got the issue in my hot-little-hands. Looks great!