A Svengoolie Shout Out!
The cat (or bat, as this case may be) is out of the bag that I did the artwork on a parody (sort of) of TV horror host Svengoolie and his show in issue #4. However back in July before I had that job “in the can” (that’s showbiz talk for “completed”) one of the show’s… uh… henchmen Kevin stopped by my booth at San Diego Comic Con and had me do a live-style caricature of Svengoolie. They shared that drawing on a recent show in their mail segment, video link above. Svengoolie also gives a shout out to my pal Scott Shaw! who designed a button for him and plugged Scott’s cool monster coloring book.
More on the Svengoolie parody, which isn’t really a parody, after the issue hits the stands next week. BTW it was written by Ian Boothby.
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