Al Feldstein Ailing
Al Feldstein served as the editor of MAD Magazine for almost 30 years, having taken over after Harvey Kurtzman left due to differences with Bill Gaines. Kurtzman took most of MAD‘s artists with him to do a humor magazine called “Trump!” for Hugh Hefner, leaving Feldstein with the unenviable task of rebuilding MAD almost from scratch. The rest, as they say, is history. Feldstein retired from MAD in 1984.
Recently Al’s health has taken a wrong turn. On February 24th he was hospitalized for some tests after blacking out while at home on his ranch. Turns out he has heart problems that require bypass open heart surgery. The tests also labeled him as “high risk” for such surgery, meaning only a few hospitals have the wherewithal to perform the procedure. He is currently resting at home awaiting admittance into the Mayo Clinic to have the operation. Al is 84 years old.
My grandfather had that procedure at age 80 and came through with flying colors, living until over 90 years old. The Mayo Clinic is one of the best facilities in the world, performing delicate surgeries for everyone from kings to pro athletes… and my dad, who had a heart procedure at the Minnesota Mayo Clinic as well some years ago and is doing great today. I am sure Al is in good hands. None-the-less a few prayers from appreciative fans of MAD wouldn’t hurt.
I have yet to meet Al, but I plan on doing so in the near future. Hear that, Al??
Get well!
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I had the pleasure of meeting Al a couple of years ago in Atlanta and he was a true gentleman. He talked at length about his Mad experience and had numerous quick witted anecdotes about the many cartoonists he had known and worked with. I felt really lucky and honored to meet him. Get well soon Al!!!!!!
[…] [Top Story] Al Feldstein ailing Link: Tom Richmond […]
I’ve never met the man, but I wish him well and I’d tell him that my grandfather had the same surgery at the Mayo and we had our grandfather for 25 more years.
Best wishes to Mr. Feldstein and his family.
Here‚Äö√Ñ√¥s wishing Al a speedy recovery – thanks for the post Tom.
[…] * our condolences to Neil Gaiman on his personal loss and our thoughts and prayers are with the ailing Al Feldstein and his affected loved ones. * the writer Jeffrey Klaehn re-presents some of his retailer panel […]
[…] Creators | Legendary EC Comics creator and MAD Magazine editor Al Feldstein is in poor health after blacking out last month on his rach. After being hospitalized, it was discovered the 84-year-old Feldstein will require open-heart surgery. [The MAD Blog] […]