American Caricature Documentary Kickstarter!
Followers of my blog know I do not often promote crowdfunding campaigns, but every once and awhile something comes along that ticks all the boxes, and that I know will be followed through. This is one of them.
“American Caricature” is a documentary film that explores the world of making a living drawing caricatures. That includes the various industries involved like illustration, animation, and especially “live” caricature (i.e. the world of fairs, theme parks, private events, and tradeshows), the caricature community, and the International Society of Caricature Artists big convention/competition. I’m one of many professional caricaturists interviewed for the documentary.
The world of caricatures is a very interesting one, both the artform itself with its many different applications, and the many ways different artists earn a living doing them. This film should be a lot of fun both visually and in the look behind the curtain. There is an added bonus as well:

Many of you have followed along here with the story of Glenn Ferguson, the caricaturist who was brutally attacked and stabbed in the head by a psychotic former co-worker. The people behind “American Caricature” have created a companion short film telling Glenn’s story. This is (for now) only available as a reward for one of the Kickstarter levels of support.
One of the reasons I am confident in promoting this Kickstarter campaign is that this is no phantom project at the idea stage looking for seed money. The movie is basically done and the funds they are trying to raise is to cover the final expenses of color grading and audio mixing (these need professionals to do the work) and fees for submitting to some film festivals. “American Caricature” just needs the funds to wrap up final production. It’s going to happen…. IF it gets funded.
The Kickstarter only has a week to go and it’s just a little over $5,000 short. That’s a lot still needed in a short time. Support it if you wish and can.
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Thank you Tom! Appreciate the support!