Announcing Washington DC Area Workshop in August!

I just scheduled a new 2019 workshop: Washington DC Aug 2-4th!
Okay, it’s actually in an area of Arlington called Crystal City, but close enough to Washington to count. I’ve been trying to book a workshop in that area for a while now and it was tough to find a venue that was both affordable and had everything needed. Mission accomplished! This one is going to be yuge, so register for a spot today.
Incidentally, if you go to register only seconds after this announcement posts, and you are surprised to see a lot of spaces already taken, that’s because people who are on my mailing list get a 24 advance notice of any workshops before I officially announce them. That means they have a day to register before anyone else finds out there is a new one coming. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for my mailing list in the upper right corner of this website now!
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