Richmond Illustration Inc.
Another Ancient Live Caricature Video
December 8th, 2009 | Posted in General
Yep, here’s yet another time lapse “live caricature” style example from my 1993 demo video… this time of Rhea Perlman, one of the cast of the legendary sitcom “Cheers”.
Also regular blog readers will be happy to know I am almost to the end of that demo reel. 🙂
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I remember working at the New Orleans Riverwalk caricature kiosk with your video playing through a hole in a wooden box on a mall hallway cart. All day long people would look up at the video and look down at my idle hands on the desk and ask me “is that you drawing that?”, I would say “nope, it’s the little man in the box”….I kid you not, 35% of the people would walk around the cart to check.
Hi Tom.
Thanks for the video.
I am following your blog daily since some time. It’s amazing!
I have a couple of questions:
a) what is the tool you are using for drawing? Just a pencil?
b) Is this the real speed you draw a caricature “alla prima” or you draw some quick sketches before?
I’ve a video at home with that same music. Thankfully, though, Rhea Pearlman’s not in it 😉