Another Cartoonist’s USO Visit to Germany
Last October I was privleged to be part of a group of cartoonists who traveled to Washington D.C. and then on to Landstuhl, Germany to visit with and draw for wounded U.S. soldiers. Those who went on the trip with me were Chip Bok, Jeff Keane, Rick Kirkman, Mike Peters, Bruce Higdon, Jeff Bacon and Stephan Pastis. The trip was an incredible experience.
Last month another group of 8 cartoonists made the same trip.¬¨‚ĆBill Amend (Fox Trot), Jeff Bacon (cartoonist for Navy Times and Marine Corps Times), Dave Coverly (Speed Bump), Jack Davis (Mad Magazine), Bill Hinds (Tank McNamara, Cleats, Buzz Beamer),¬¨‚Ć Jef Mallett (Frazz), Michael Ramirez (editorial cartoonist for Investors Business Daily) and Rob Smith Jr. (editorial cartoonist for Glen Beck) made the trek this time, visiting convelesing soldiers at Walter Reed Hospital and Bathesda Naval Hospital in the D.C. area, then Landstuhl Medical Center and other U.S. military medical facilities in Germany. You can read a bit about their trip here. I know they had an amazing trip… it’s impossible not to become emotional seeing these young men and women who have given so much for us and our country. They are all heroes.
These trips are great and I hope they will continue. Jeff Bacon is the man who has gotten these things organized, funded and overseen. He deserves a big hand:
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Big hand also to all of you who participated.
that’s really cool of you guys to do that for the soldiers. What do you guys draw for the soldiers while your there? Did you draw any caricatures?
This is great dude – truly great experience for you , I am sure.