Richmond Illustration Inc.
Another MAD #12 Sneak Peek!
February 5th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine posted an exclusive sneak peek of the two page feature I did the art for in MAD #12; “VH-1 Drags Out Even More RuPaul Shows!”, written by Grant Reed. They had not just the spread (above) but a close up of each of the TV show promo images:

Giving credit where credit is due, the “nuclear mushroom cloud” hairdo gag was suggested by MAD art director (and now also managing editor) Suzy Hutchinson. ???

MAD #12 is on sale in Comic Book shops on Feb 19th.
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This certainly goes well as a companion piece to your “Weird Eye on the Queer Guise” parody. I have always been curious when it comes to MAD though…While the magazine has always been known for taking an impartial look when it comes to politics, attacking both sides and other groups, the LGBTQ+ Community is certainly no exception. Because of this I have often been struck wondering if MAD embraced their LGBTQ+ fans or were homophobic…among other things. If it isn’t too much to ask as a MAD-man yourself, I would like to know if you, personally outside of MAD, support the LGBTQ+ Community, are against it or are simply impartial yourself.
I would like to point out that if it wasn’t for the artistic community of Greenwich Village serving as inspiration, it would most certainly be difficult to imagine MAD magazine, another staple of New York, existing at all! In fact I think a large, if not the largest, factor in MAD’s downfall was the fact that it had lost that staple. After all just as MAD has tried to reinvent itself with a new brand and reprinted content, so did CRACKED in its final years. I certainly do hope I am wrong, but with this inevitable age of digitalization killing the newsstand serving as yet another factor, I cannot help but sense a strong feeling of déjà vu. If MAD is indeed coming to a close Tom, I think a simple look around your house will prove to you that you, yourself, did have a good run. May peace be with you and yours.
MAD has always been “impartial” towards any topic insofar as they have no problem poking fun at hypocrisy, dishonesty, or wrong-headedness no matter who or what does it. That said, they also do not “punch down” so to speak, or mock those who are downtrodden, oppressed, discriminated against, or “victims” of some force or issue. They don’t make fun of something like someone’s religion, but they will make fun of the Catholic sex-scandals. Two different things. If you read this article, for example, none of the jokes imply distain or disapproval of transgender people. The jokes involve the largess and over-the-top personalities of drag queens in general, VH-1’s attempting to milk the success of the original show for more $$, or actually mock the shows that are being “RuPauled”. If I recall the “Queer Eye” spoof, again none of the jokes were anti-gay based, but made fun of the show itself and the personality quirks of the stars.