Richmond Illustration Inc.
Another Political Newspaper Caricature
January 24th, 2009 | Posted in On the Drawing Board
Here’s my latest spot caricature for The Independent. Not sure what “AMHC” stands for or what milking has to do with it, but I can guess considering the subject matter. These are seriously down and dirty quick illustrations.
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Tom I LOVE these ‘down and dirty quick illustrations’… awesome!
Hey Tom,
sorry I did not ‘splain this one to you …
The character of dicsussion in this week’s column is Charlie Franklin, his nickname is “The Milkman”
He’s the former director of our loocal mental health agency (Albemarle Mental Health Center)
He was recently fired when they discovered that under his management they were basically broke. But he didn’t mind taking nearly $400K in salary…
Thus we have Charlie milking the AMHC cow …
No need to explain. You are very clear with what you want in the image… I wish all art directors were as concise with their direction. I am glad the illustration described what you envisioned… that translates into “mission accomplished” on my end!