Apple Rejects My Caricature App

EDIT– Apple reconsidered its decision and approved the Bobble Rep app after a media storm of protest was set off by this innocent little rant on my insignificant little blog. Below is the original blog post:
Just yesterday I was complaining about how Apple sometimes treats its customers as if they were stupid.
I had no idea how right I was.
Back in the late summer movie director/entrepreneur Ray Griggs, for whom I did all that art for his movie “Super Capers“, approached me with an idea for an iPhone app. The concept was a database of all the members of the United States Congress which allowed the user to find the names and contact information of their senators and congressional representative either via zipcode or by using the iPhone’s GPS location services. He wanted the visuals to be more than just a bunch of pictures, and asked me to do caricatures for each senator and representative.
That’s 540 caricatures if you are keeping count (including those non-voting members of the house from Puerto Rico, Guam, etc.). FIVE HUNDRED FORTY. Five-four-Oh. Whew.
The caricature “heads” would be placed on one of 12 different bodies I has also drawn to make a cartoon, virtual “bobblehead” for each member of congress’s page. You can make the heads bobble by shaking your phone or flicking the head with your finger. Of course that’s just a novelty, and the real purpose of the app is the database that allows you to find out who your representatives in Washington are and how to contact them.
I did all 540 caricatures. In fact I finished the last few dozen in my hotel room in Washington DC prior to my USO trip. Ray and his programmers wrapped up the programming and the app was sent to Apple for approval.
Here are some of the visuals that were sent to Apple:

Ray had showed a lot of people this app, and there was a fair amount of interest in it. In fact, he tells me that he is booked to appear on both the John Stossel show and the Mike Huckabee show next week to talk about the app and his upcoming documentary. Both Stossel and Huckabee loved the app and that’s what precipitated his appearance on their shows.
Looks like all Ray will have to talk about is how ridiculous Apple’s app approval folks are, since the app was REJECTED yesterday . Here is Apple’s official rejection letter and the “reason”:
Subject: Bobble Rep – 111th Congress Edition 1.0: Application Submission Feedback
Please include the line below in follow-up emails for this request.
Follow-up: 87280909
Dear Mr. Griggs,
Thank you for submitting Bobble Rep – 111th Congress Edition to the App Store. We’ve reviewed Bobble Rep – 111th Congress Edition and determined that we cannot post this version of your iPhone application to the App Store because it contains content that ridicules public figures and is in violation of Section 3.3.14 from the iPhone Developer Program License Agreement which states:
“Applications may be rejected if they contain content or materials of any kind (text, graphics, images, photographs, sounds, etc.) that in Apple’s reasonable judgement may be found objectionable, for example, materials that may be considered obscene, pornographic, or defamatory.”
A screenshot of this issue has been attached for your reference.
If you believe that you can make the necessary changes so that Bobble Rep – 111th Congress Edition does not violate the iPhone Developer Program License Agreement, we encourage you to do so and resubmit it for review.
iPhone Developer Program
Wow. I’ve had rejections in theme parks before but never because my drawings were considered “obscene, pornographic, or defamatory”. I can see where they are coming from, though. Check out these “hard hitting” caricatures (said with tongue firmly in cheek):

CA- Harman
ND- Pomeroy
OH- Kucinich
Brutal, I know. I mean, if Dennis Kucinich ever saw that he’d doubtless curl up in the fetal position and cry for a week. What was I thinking, doing these over-the-top, cut-throat abominations of caricatures for a public iPhone app????
Wait… someone is at the door. MAYBE IT’S THE SECRET SERVICE!!!!!!
This is truly ridiculous. These caricatures aren’t mean or very exaggerated. They are simple, fun cartoon likenesses of the politicians and the purpose of the app is a informational database. There is no editorial commentary involved at all.
This is the very reason that Apple as a company should be taken to task over its ludicrous and inconsistent app approval policies. Clearly this app does not “ridicule public figures” and is violating nothing, but Apple has decided the world must be protected from the insidious subversiveness this would force upon the public and the brutal, heinous ridicule that my cruel, cruel caricatures would subject these politicians to.
Hard to believe that anybody could be this blind. Maybe they just have a monkey doing the approval of their apps, and he throws a dart at a dartboard with “approved” and “rejected” targets on it and whatever it hits is the fate of that app. That would explain how they could approve an app with a cartoon baby picture and when you shake the phone hard enough the baby dies. Yes, that one got through only to be yanked after some outraged people complained, but no way are a bunch of flame-throwing caricatures going to get through!!!
The really sad part is that here is an app that might get people interested in who represents them in Washington, especially kids and young adults, and connects people to their senators and representatives via fun and PARTISAN FREE way. Yet Apple has decided it’s not appropriate. There needs to be more of that in this world of right versus left, especially as that applies to young kids who are being raised to consider politics the public equivalent of professional wrestling. Ray’s documentary “I Want Your Money” is distinctly right wing (and my own political views are mostly left of center) but this app is totally partisan neutral.
Please spread the word how stupid this rejection is. Apple of course does not care what its customers think… apparently they consider us idiots at best anyway (appropriate on my part, as I am a member of MAD‘s “Usual Gang of Idiots”), but it’s worth a laugh and a shake of your head.
EDIT- Thanks for all the comments, support and suggestions from everyone. Ray and his programmer Stevo Brock are working on other options, including other platforms… but that’s all in their hands. I just draw funny pictures. I’m going to close down comments on this thread, but feel free to e-mail me with further comments or suggestions.
Also, for those who have written and asked about seeing all 540 of the congressional caricatures, one way or another I will make sure we publish those… either via the app on another platform or here on my website if nothing else.
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Wow. If anything a novel treatment like this would probably get people to recognize and know their representatives better! Hopefully Apple will be embarassed enough to reverse their decision. Heh. Who am I kidding? Next up should be know your Apple execs.
Later 🙂
540 Caricatures? Holy Moly. Respect
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Tom, I’m not surprised to hear it got rejected. I’ve been reading the torrent of ridiculous rejections on TechCrunch the last while. You can get Mein Kampf from the app store but Someecards had an app rejected because it mocked, among others, Hitler. Meanwhile you can get boobies and even for a while, a shakeable baby.
It’s so infuriating to see so much work gone to the wall. And in Apple’s terms the only way of getting the app approved is the complete removal of all your work, which scuppers the app anyway.
Just been forwarded this and must admit I’m not totally surprised since having submitted a large number of apps in the past (and had several million downloads) I have got to know Apple’s process fairly well. I have also too been looking at incorporating caticatures within an application and familiar with the basics of the law both in the US and UK with regards to this.
It seems Apple are far extending the law which you may already know since Political figures are exempt from any “Right of Publicity” claims and also from being able to claim damages for anything along the lines of emotional stress.
My advice would be to speak directly with Apple on the issue. I’d be happy to assist with this since I would also be keen to get their view on things.
Someone in the know!
Yeah Tom but in the App Store it s easy to find out games with blood, bones and heads rolling now thats not pornographic its educational indeed for the growing kids out there.
[…] MAD Magazine artist Tom Richmond has been working on an iPhone app with movie director/entrepreneur Ray Griggs that allows users to search a database for contact information of every congressman. Tom did 540 caricatures – one for every representative in union and territories – for the app. Unfortunately, they have learned that Apple has rejected the app based due to “content that ridicules public figures.” […]
Keep pushing it, Tom. Once word spreads, Apple will look like prudish ultra conservatives, rather than the progressive trendsetters they purport themselves to be. If anybody knows about likeness rights and public figures, it’s you, judging by all the research you’ve done (and shared) on the ISCA site. You’re violating nothing because it’s political satire, and like you said, it’s not even super exaggerated satire.
This is what I think will likely happen. You’re going to get a lot of publicity on this, Apple will end up with egg on their face so they’ll eventually give in, and as a result you’ll get even more sales than you would have in the first place, because of all of the publicity.
All of the work you did (can’t believe how much!!) will pay off. Just wait.
Screw Apple, go with the Droid!
An infuriating response to what looks like a great app. I’m guessing that Apple are wary of lawsuits from any of the 540 congressmen. I did a program for kids to use in schools with 100 celebrity heads, different bodies, speech balloons & backgrounds and similar fears were voiced which proved unfounded with good sales and not one celebrity lawsuit. Caricature makes some people nervous but the samples you have shown are clearly never going to offend anyone. I suggest you change the bodies to be photographic and use the same heads but say that they have been changed and then I betcha it will be accepted.
Right of Publicity does not apply to politicians. Additionally, there is a similar app that has a congressional database using actual photos of the representatives and that was approved.
How about selling it to Apples competitors-like Blackberry? The Iphone isn’t the only big cell phone. President Obama has a Blackberry,he’d love your app on his phone! lol !
Short-sighted, paranoid corporate legal departments!
WOW and I’d even buy an iPhone if I could get that app! Oh well apple just lost an iPhone customer. Is there any way to send Apple a specific response to their rejection? I mean a particular address where they’d know what the reference was?
Typical bureaucratic BS!
you guys should submit it to someone else like verizon and its new phone called android…. love your concept… drawings were great…
Submit it to Palm! I’d love to have that app on my Pre, and I’ll bet they’d approve it in a snap.
This is really beyond the pale, even for Apple. Shaking babies = okay, exploiting women with that Pepsi pick-up-chicks app = okay, but contact your representative (i.e. promoting good citizenship) = EVILLLLLL??
That said, even if they reconsider I hope you eventually publish all of the charicatures. I’d LOVE to see what you did with my rep Thaddeus McCotter (who I actually adore, politically speaking).
LOL out LOUD! That is awesome! I think he should start using that on his publicity materials. Thanks for posting it!
Well, sadly as it’s their platform, Apple can pretty much do as they please. Pity really as I think your illustrations are brilliant. But while Apple has a growing cult-like following they can pretty much do as they please.
I’ve never been a fan of Apple for this particular reason. So good luck to you!
This is strange news! I am blown away at first by the idea of a 540-caricature project, which I’m sure must be some kind of record. I must echo the suggestion of marketing this app elsewhere. At the very least you should gain some notoriety for having completed the thing.
I don’t know if Ray had plans to do different platform versions of the app. I know he is out about $15,000 in development costs on this already so he may not be anxious to sink more $$ into it.
Just sent this feedback to Apple:
You should approve the Bobble Rep iPhone App. Read this blog entry for the well considered reasons:
It is hard to see how these caricatures violate the Developer agreement by being defamatory as in “containing defamation; injurious to reputation; slanderous or libelous” (from Is Apple saying it believes mild ridicule of any kind is the same as defamation? Well isn’t that rotten. Whoops…
Scott Johnston
Let’s peruse some “non offensive” aps that did get through.
pocket god –
top 5 sexist iphone aps –
Top offensive aps (including baby shaker)
But will Apple protect us when congress ridiculing us?
I really do hope that Apple reconsiders. This looks like a really useful app — going way beyond fun caricatures. I would personally be interested in it. If the resources exist, I hope it becomes an Android and/or BB app.
This is just one more reason I intend to purchase an Android-based phone. Much more open!
Look at Apple’s “I’m a PC/I’m a Mac” commercials. They flat out BASH not only Windows, but all of us idiot children/suckers who use them because they have 90% of the software market! Objectionable? Defamatory? You bet!
Double standards for all!
[…] quick mention. Tom Richmond, the excellent caricaturist whose work appears in MAD these days, has blogged about an app he co-created. It’s a guide to senators and members of congress that lets you look up any elected official […]
F*ck it. Repurpose it for Android.
I think that particularly as long as Pelosi is Speaker they probably don’t want to risk any impression that they’re poking fun at her (or endorsing same). Especially since she’s also from California. This looks like a very fun way to go about the mundane task of figuring out who your representatives are. Maybe Ray can just make a website out of it so all this great work doesn’t go to waste.
By the way, might you show Alan Grayson of Florida? He seems like one of those caricatures that practically draws itself.
I agree with Monty, Tom. I think if it had been approved, both Huckabee and Beck would do a short, quick segment basically promoting it as a neat novelty idea. With it being rejected, I will be quite surprised if they both do not give it a lot more extended coverage, treating it like a huge issue, rather than a novelty app. And given the turn out at the town hall meetings over the summer and the outrage over the health care debate (regardless of which side you are on), I think it’s fair to say that a LOT of people are trying to contact their representatives now more than ever. Like Monty, I’ll be shocked if Apple doesn’t cave and you don’t wind up with infinite more sales than you would have otherwise had.
Hi Tom theres not a real fundamental reason to just simply rejected this project, theres no way they put your work on those lines OBSCENE, PORNOGRAPHIC AN DIFAMATORY, just ridicuolus. Take care.
Ridiculous. A caricature in itself is not defamatory by default. Although when one tends to exaggerate someone’s likeness spot-on, the subject usually tends to not to be all that flattered!
I’ve seen other rejected apps get approval once enough press about the ridiculousness of the rejection makes it’s rounds on the ol’ internet. We need to do the same for this one.
Oh man, I can’t believe this.
I agree with Lash LeRoux, this has enough red flags on it to create just the right amount of buzz to give even Beck something positive to talk about, and maybe even cause some good.
I’ll be this one gets overturned eventually. Should be interesting…
Wow, an app that’s actually entertaining and incredibly useful and Apple rejected it. I’m increasingly surprised at the crap that actually does make it to the Apple store, and shocked your app was turned down. I can see there’s little rhyme or reason to their approval process. Your work is terrific!
Ouch, that’s got to hurt. I hope you guys find the time to port this to Android instead. The Android Market doesn’t require approval for apps.
Make a quick video about this and post it on YouTube — you’ll get results.
That’s a great idea.
That is crazy! I can’t believe you drew all of them for nothing. I hope you were paid for the work.
That’s ridiculous Tom, sorry to hear. I hope they reconsider, I think it’s a great idea for a app that’s actually useful!
Tom, maybe you can get it programmed for Android 2.0. I got a chance to play with the Droid and it’s an example of things to come. And a lot of people will switch to this, for example, because it’s on Verizon’s 3G network.
I have a suggestion – instead of getting all bent out of shape, why not talk with Apple? The app was rejected yesterday, so clearly that hasn’t happened.
Companies make mistakes. Unfortunate, but it happens. So give Apple the benefit of the doubt and ask to speak with a supervisor. Point out that since those individuals have a significant public presence, they can’t sue unless something is truly libelous – which a caricature can’t be.
Then, point out the public policy benefits of having ready access to information on reaching all the politicians and see what happens.
Instead of getting worked up and whining about the injustice of it all, DO SOMETHING!
Thanks for the suggestions, but I don’t think you understand the process. There is no “supervisor” to call. No appeal process. No one to talk to for a further explanation or clarification. It’s rejected, that’s it. You are told to change it and resubmit but that the app as is will not be considered again. Apple closed that door, so forgive me if I vent as a result. Apple has no interest in any of the solutions you suggest, so I guess I’ll go back to my “whining”.
Sadly, Joe, Apple has proven time and time again that the only way to get the unnamed, unreachable supervisor’s attention IS to raise a fuss. Macworld covered quite a few rejections, including its own book, where public outcry was the only effective tool ( ), and I know of similarly ludicrous rejections beyond the 10 or so the article mentions.
This doesn’t even cover times where the developer gave in and changed the app for the worse in order to appease the fickle app store rejectors, er, reviewers. We (iPhone indie devs) sort of stopped giving Apple the benefit of the doubt after the first few dozen times this happened.
The app store rejection stories that are swirling around the web these days are really troubling. Many of the rejections seem to be almost arbitrary or solely due to some individual’s personal interpretation of whatever rules Apple uses. The iPhone is a great platform and tool but it is being ever so slightly hobbled by these stories. Love the caricatures, by the way.
I agree that you should have been rejected. Apple doesn’t need your political burden.
Good luck. We had a bobblehead app last year with photos of politicians and it was rejected on the same grounds. Sorry. Let me know if you make any inroads here!
I heard about this story this morning from Monty, and once again Apple gets it wrong with their app approval process. I think the app is brilliant, and as you said a great way to get important information to folks in a fun way.
Will you attempt to resubmit the app? I know there have been instances of 1st time rejection followed by an approval later.
I hope to see your app get approved as I’ll be putting it on my iPhone as well as my daughter’s iPhone.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
I believe this gives us the right to mock our public officials, apple or no apple.
I bet Microsoft wouldn’t have rejected it. 😉
Same thing happened to Nitrozac and I when we submitted an app featuring the Queen of England. “Ridiculing a public figure” rejection.
Sheesh, what are public figures for if not ridicule? 🙂
[…] is the most ridiculous thing I‚Äö√Ñ√¥ve ever heard,‚Äö√Ñ√π Richmond wrote in his blog entry posted Monday morning. ‚Äö√Ñ√∫These caricatures aren‚Äö√Ñ√¥t mean or very exaggerated. They are simple, fun cartoon likenesses of […]
Maybe Apple is saying they don’t believe elected public figures should be held up to potential ridicule.
I think our Reps and Senators would be tickled by their caricatures in this app. Now all you need are 540 letters that state: “I’m not at all defamed by the image of me that appears in Bobble Rep.”
How is it you can have a game that is called “5 minutes to kill yourself” but this is too extreme?
I must say, this is ridiculous. I would purchase this app in a heartbeat. Defamatory? That mole man Kucinich looks downright handsome in your picture.