Richmond Illustration Inc.
Are You Kidding Me???
November 10th, 2009 | Posted in General
Yep, I’m off again on the final leg of what has been an insane year of traveling and speaking at cartoonists events and other functions… five continents in the last 5 months. This time I’m taking The Lovely Anna along to Sydney, Australia where I will be speaking and doing a caricature workshop at the Australian Cartoonists Associations Stanley Awards Weekend. However this time we will be staying for a week to see the sights including some time in the Hunter Valley vineyard area.
Look for a report from the Stanleys and a few others from “down under” over the next week, as well as the usual stupidity here on The MAD Blog.
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I’m attending this weekend too, so I’ll see you there. Can’t wait!
I actually lived in the Hunter for about 11 years (my blood and sweat even went into some of those grapes‚Äö√Ñ√Æhopefully that doesn’t ruin it for you 🙂
could we please see a Steve Jobs bobblehead cartoon? 🙂 🙂 mce