Art for CNN’s “History of the Sitcom”
This is out in the wild now so I can share it here. Earlier this month I did an illustration job for CNN for the newest of their entertainment documentary series entitled “History of the Sitcom”. This consisted of a LOT of caricatures of classic sitcom actors/characters, and it was a tricky thing to compose because I needed to do it in a way that allowed for both a vertical (above) and horizontal format:

The folks at CNN gave me a list of the characters they wanted included. I don’t know what criteria they applied for which show is represented, but these are the ones they wanted pictured. Actually the list they gave me was tiered so there was an “A” group that they definitely wanted included, and then a list of many others which I could include any from if I had room. I had no room. So, if you are wondering (as many social media commenters are) why your favorite sitcoms is not represented here, you’ll have to ask CNN.
I was also asked to do the illustration with each set of characters on their own separate layer, so CNN could pull any of them out to use for whatever. They have posted several versions of the image where they moved people around, removed some and in at least one case “flipped” then horizontally. The above are the compositions as I put them together, so if you see different versions the CNN folks did those.
A fun but exhausting job on a short deadline.
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Looks great as always, Tom! I recognize some sitcoms like All In The Family, M*A*S*H, Seinfeld, and a few others, but can you point them out for me and others, please?
That’s very cool. I do a lot of work in layers on my iPad for just that flexibility! Ain’t technology great?
This is great! Any chance of the possibility of a reprint offered on your store?
Doubt it. CNN owns the rights to the art
Outstanding as always
I love it. I can see how CNN wanted to make sure it had two ways of displaying a combination of subjects, but do you feel like parts should have been added or extended to make it look like a scene instead od the broken spaces where a foot or end of torso would be? Like where the Will Smith is in relation to Betty White? Or how Alan Alda just seems to disappear mid-torso? It is probably CNN’s doing, but what are yoor feelings about that type of compiling?
I can’t think of a better guy to have done this Tom…. I grew up on Sitcoms and you are right on the button on everything!!
Let’s give this a shot…
* I Love Lucy
* Black-ish
* Good Times
* Gilligan’s Island
* M*A*S*H
* Happy Days
* Family Ties
* Fresh Off The Boat
* Golden Girls
* Seinfeld
* Fresh Prince of Bel Aire
* Friends
* Family Matters
* Addams Family
* Schitt’s Creek
* I Dream of Jeannie
* Facts of Life
* All In the Family
A lot of favorites are there, but some like Arrested Development, The Office and Community aren’t. Obviously they don’t have room to include everything in the miniseries. I remember the Late Night TV one they did having given Tom Snyder and Craig Ferguson barely a mention, which was more glaring than summing up sitcoms, which are much more plentiful. Love the caricatures included.
It was love at first sight and I immediately googled to see who the artist is. So very cool! I wish we could buy prints or blank books with your work on the cover.
I would love this as my permanent wallpaper…is this possible? Wonderful stugg
Are prints of the artwork available?
No. sorry. CNN owns the copyright and expressly forbade me from making prints.
Having grown up reading MAD magazine, this takes me all the way back. It’s a wonderful piece. You mentioned having a short deadline. May I ask how short?
You did a great job. First time I saw this advertised on CNN I wondered where I could get the artwork. That’s how I ended up here. Now that I discovered this site, I’ll stick around.
Hey, just thought of an idea. Can you create one of your own (not owned by CNN)? Or maybe two. That way you can include Sam Malone & Diane (Cheers), Barney, Harris & Levitt (Barney Miller), Oscar Madison & Felix Unger (The Odd Couple),…
Actually I am planning on doing just that! I’m going to do a series of different tv show and movie genres in print form. Stay tooned