Richmond Illustration Inc.
At the ISCA Convention
November 3rd, 2009 | Posted in News
I’m speaking today at 1:00 pm at the International Society of Caricature Artists‘ annual convntion and competition, held this year in beautiful downtown Sandusky, Ohio. I’ll be followed by former airbrush legend and current digital painting master Mark Frederickson. Tomorrow’s speakers are MAD art director and long-time MAD artist Sam Viviano and w?¬?nderkind Hermann Mejia. Tomorrow evening there will be a panel of all of us answering questions as well.
I’m greatly looking forward to this, in part because I have never had occasion to meet either Mark or Hermann. Funny we’ve been mainstays in MAD for over a decade each and yet never had occasion to meet. Funny world.
Look for a full report on Thursday.
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Hope you’re enjoying Sandusky. I wish I could be there but I actually had to leave the city the day of the convention. I have a lot of friends there, though, so I’m sure I’ll be hearing from them how awesome it is!