October 7th, 2006 | Posted in General

I had all intentions of posting pictures today from last night’s gala show opening at MCAD. “eyeToons: The Work of the North Central Chapter of the National Cartoonists Society” did indeed open and it is a small but very well put together show. Unfortunatley I left my camera in my car and one of our members volunteered to take pictures for me and e-mail them… but I didn’t get them last night as I had wanted. So, today I will get them and on Monday we’ll have a monster entry about the show opening, today’s chapter appearance at the FallCon comic book convention and our speaking engagement tonight featuring myself, Jerry Van Amerongen and Michael Jantze, complete with pictures and at least one embarrassing story.


  1. Dont’ sweat it Tom – we wont’ fire you from your blog 🙂
    Can’t wait to see the pics though. Hey on a completely opposite note; I think I remember seeing you do a “24” parody – what issue did that run in (if indeed it was you who did it?)
    PS – I’m a HUGE lost fan; I bought that issue purely for the slash page. Nice work.


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