Richmond Illustration Inc.
Back from the ISCA Convention
November 6th, 2009 | Posted in General
It was a great and inspiring time as always. Here is a caricature of me by the brilliant Hermann Mejia done as we sat about a table in the main room:
More later.
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It’s great, indeed it’s like a picture… even with closed eyes, as if someone would take a picture of you while you were blinking.
Greetings from Mexico!
Very powerful and beautiful drawing!!!!
It seems you had a great time.
Hope to meet you there one day!
Take care
Hi Tom great work its like a portrait of you between serious and funny, just awesome. Take care
Tom, this is a great painting and hermann is obviously and incredible talent…but NO WAY do you look that old.
Looking forward to reading about the Sandusky escapades… you lucky thing getting an original Mejia… ‘sigh’