Be a Schmendrick!

We’ve only got FOUR MORE DAYS to go on Desmond Devlin and my Indiegogo campaign for CLAPTRAP, our book of MAD style movie parodies. Here’s another example of the kind of sketches I’m going to be doing in the book for those who contribute at the “Schmendrick” level and up (Yes, we’re doing a spoof of fan favorite and universally acclaimed (yet never spoofed in MAD) movie “Blade Runner”.) Again, these will not be ten minute scribbles but “Sketch o’the Week” level drawings I spend some time on.
I’m limiting the number of “Schmendrick” sketches I’ll be doing to 100, which INCLUDES all the ones I am doing for the upper tiers of perks. That means while our campaign page says only 33 out of 100 are taken, because all those who claimed higher tier perks also get a sketch, we are actually at 66 out of 100 already taken. Only 34 left! Best of all, thanks to our reaching an earlier stretch goal, YOU now get to choose which of the movies we are spoofing in the book that the character I draw for you comes from… like Harrison Ford‘s Deckard or Morgan Freeman‘s Red from “The Shawshank Redemption”:

I’ll have a character from each film we parody to choose from.
So, be a Schmendrick! Or be a Putz, Clod, Nebbish, Dolt, Schmuck, Doofus or Nincompoop! Each tier comes with different goodies, and each higher tier includes all the swag from the lower tiers! If you’ve already contributed at a lower tier, you can always upgrade to a higher tier like a Schmendrick. Just refund your previous contribution and do a new one at a different tier. If none of that works for you, just help spread the word! Four days to go!
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