Tom's Mad Blog

Sunday Mailbag: Visualizing the Caricature?

January 12th, 2020 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: I’ve got a question about what you see (visualize) when you are drawing a caricature. When I try to draw something (caricature or otherwise) I can’t really visualize what I’m drawing until it’s on paper. When you begin a caricature, do you know what it will look like or are you ever surprised with how a drawing turns out? A: It’s a little of both, especially when doing studio work. Yes, I have a decent idea of what I want the image to look like in my head, but it’s not like I see the finished product in its entirety. It’s a little like seeing… READ MORE

New Workshop: Indianapolis IN!

January 10th, 2020 | Posted in News

I’m announcing another 2020 workshop location, this one in Indianapolis, IN, on Sept 11-13th! This might be my last US workshop this year… I’m working on a two workshop trip to Australia that will book up October and November. December is a tough month to have a workshop anywhere due to all the holiday gigs many caricaturists are busy with. Weekends in December are hard to find time in to do something like this. So, if one of my workshops is on your resolution list you might want to jump on this one. It might be your last chance in 2020. READ MORE

Illustration Throwback Thursday #69- 2004 VPs!

January 9th, 2020 | Posted in Illustration Throwback Thursday

This was done (I think) for the now defunct Fade In magazine back in 2004 for a story about the various politicians who were possible running mates for John Kerry in the 2004 election. If I remember right the story focused on Hollywood supporters or connection to various democrats, which made sense because Fade In was a movie industry publication. There were a bunch of spot illustrations with the different candidates and their famous supporters. That art is lost but I did find this one pencil rough for a spot with Dennis Kuchinich and actor James Cromwell: READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- Matt Damon!

January 8th, 2020 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

No time for a proper Sketch o’the Week today so I’m digging into the archives for this watercolor sketch of Matt Damon. READ MORE

MAD about MADison Mag!

January 7th, 2020 | Posted in General

Madison Magazine, a publication for and about the capitol city of Wisconsin, did a MAD Magazine tribute issue last month that featured a bunch of MAD-like art, including work from two authentic members of the Usual Gang if Idiots. The Cover was done by MAD’s most prolific cover artist, Mark Fredrickson. I did an illustration of local Madison resident Wendy Gaines-Bucci, who happens to be the daughter of MAD founder and publisher William M. Gaines. There is a story about Wendy in the issue. The issue also contains a couple of MAD tribute pieces, including a parody format comic by Dan E. Burr, a series… READ MORE

My Minnesota Illustration Workshop is on!

January 7th, 2020 | Posted in News

After a lot of thought I’m giving a new type of workshop a try in early 2020. This is very different from my caricature workshops, as this one focuses on caricature-based illustration and the techniques I use. This workshop will take place near my home here in Minnesota on March 27-29th. I know, I know… MARCH in Minnesota? Actually March is traditionally snowy but much warmer that the deep winter, and this is the end of March, so temps are typically above freezing in the 40’s or so. Besides, all this is happening INDOORS you know.  I will share my process and techniques on two different… READ MORE

A Monday MADness Random Panel!

January 6th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

The gag Desmond Devlin wrote in that first panel still makes me laugh out loud. This was from the parody “The Dork Knight” in MAD #495, Nov 2008. READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag: Daily Drawing?

January 5th, 2020 | Posted in Mailbag

Q:  How do we form a daily drawing habit? A: Any skill or ability you wish to improve at requires two elements that are of primary importance: study and practice. There are no secrets or shortcuts, it’s really that simple. Unfortunately study and practice require one unavoidable thing from the practitioner… Time. It takes time to find and consume learning resources like websites, books, and classes (shameless plugs inserted), and of course to practice that skill/ability. It’s like that for playing a sport, a musical instrument, a game like chess, or an art like painting or drawing. Everyone is busy. Life makes a lot of… READ MORE


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