Tom's Mad Blog

“Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” Mini-MAD Original Art for Sale!

January 3rd, 2020 | Posted in General

EDIT: Well, that didn’t take long. All 12 pages sold out within about an hour! Thanks to all who got one. Didn’t get what you wanted for Christmas? How about a piece of Hollywood/MAD Magazine history? In a move totally based on overspending during the holidays, I’ve got all the pages from the Mini-MAD Magazine that was produced exclusively for the special collector’s Blu-Ray edition of “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”, and was part of the bonus content in the packaging for sale in the Studio Store. The 5.25? x 6.75?, 24 page smaller scale MAD featured an all-new parody of the fictional late 1950’s/early 1960’s… READ MORE

Monday MADness: MAD T-Shirts!

January 2nd, 2020 | Posted in Monday MADness

Well It’s not Monday but it sure feels like it. Whenever I do a workshop or a presentation of some kind I usually wear a MAD shirt. I’ve got a few of them, and even have some I did the art on myself… both officially licensed and unofficial bootlegs. The one above I did just for myself, as DC/WB has no merchandise with the new MAD logo on it. I print it on an inkjet printer on heat transfer paper and then heat press it on a shirt. I can’t sell you one so don’t ask. I also did these designs that were made into… READ MORE

Happy New Year!

January 1st, 2020 | Posted in General

My annual posting of this cheery fellow. All the best in 2020! READ MORE

Goodbye 2019…

December 31st, 2019 | Posted in General

I’m not sure if I am glad 2019 is over because a lot of good things happened for me professionally in 2019, but a lot of the bad stuff that happened is going to continue to impact things in 2020. The Good Stuff! I made a living as a freelancer (always #1) My work appeared in every issue of MAD Magazine (10 years straight) Spoke/taught at NCSFest in Huntington Beach, CA Taught workshops all over including Amsterdam and Switzerland Was a guest speaker at Eurocature 2019 in Vienna, Austria The whole Once Upon a Time in Hollywood/Tarantino thing Started doing work for the UK’s VIZ… READ MORE

Monday MADness- The Hunger Pains!

December 30th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

This week’s Monday MADness is a look at the splash page of MAD #515 (June, 2012)’s parody of the first “Hunger Games” movie, written by Desmond Devlin. Here’s the pencil roughs… I redid the caricature/pose of Stanley Tucci‘s “Caesar Flickerman” character as well as some other tweaks in the final: READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag: Can Anyone Learn to Draw?

December 29th, 2019 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: I have career in medicine. However, I always had a great passion for drawing. Since I have spend most of adult life working and in school I had little time to allocate to drawing. I purchased your book last year and have been reading it. This leads to my question–could one LEARN to draw or is this a talent you either have or do not have? I don’t want to be a professional artist, I just want to be decent at drawing especially cartoons and caricatures. A: Ah, the age old question… is an artist born or bred? Do you need natural talent or… READ MORE

Interest in Illustration Workshop?

December 28th, 2019 | Posted in General

I’m seriously considering doing a new kind of workshop here in Minnesota the last weekend of March (the 28th and 29th). This new workshop would focus on caricature illustration, where I would teach concept, composition, inking and watercolor and digital coloring, and each student would be doing an illustration “assignment” from start to finish like a freelance job. We could have three different possible assignments: a full page feature magazine illustration; a more kids orientated sports illustration, or a one page MAD Magazine like comic. I actually did something similar to this when I did my first couple of workshops here in MN before switching… READ MORE

Holiday Caricaturapalooza!

December 27th, 2019 | Posted in General

Here’s a bunch of the commissions I did for the 2nd annual “Holiday Caricaturapalooza”. You won’t recognize anyone here (except Neil Degrasse Tyson and Alfred) as they are almost all caricatures done from photos of those who order the commissions. There are some fun images though. All done with brush/calligraphy pens and Copic markers, with the occasional touches of white out and colored pencil: I forgot to scan a couple of them. READ MORE


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