Tom's Mad Blog

Sunday Mailbag- Angled Eyes?

February 24th, 2019 | Posted in General

Q: I noticed that in beauty or glamour magazines that eyes are tilted up to highlight lashes while the eyes you draw are often tilted down. Is this to emphasize a sort of “sad sack/loveable loser” nature to get readers to sympathize or identify with faces that have distorted features? A: No, and I don’t think you are correct when you say the eyes I draw are “often tilted down”. I draw the eyes of any subject tilted as the eyes of the subject are tilted. Some are up, some are down, some are even. It’s all about the specific subject. The angle the eyes… READ MORE

TMAoC- Back in Stock!

February 23rd, 2019 | Posted in General

In case no one noticed, there has been no copies of The Mad Art of Caricature to be had anywhere for about the last month. My distributor has been out since the end of the year, Amazon ran out the middle of January, and I have had no copies in stock here since Feb 13th. That’s because the ninth printing of the book (yes… NINTH PRINTING) was delayed somewhat by the fact that I switched to a different printer and the rough winter weather the last month. The original delivery date here in Minneapolis was Feb 4, which got pushed back to Feb 14th due… READ MORE

Comic Con Season is Almost Upon Us!

February 22nd, 2019 | Posted in News

It’s almost March, and that means the Comic-Con season is about to ramp up. I keep telling myself I need to scale back on the comic con scene but every year I seem to end up doing more of them than the year before. Here’s my list for 2019 (you can always check to see where I’ll be by clicking on “Appearances” in the menu): Emerald City Con– March 14-17th, WA State Conv. Center, Seattle, WA C2E2- March 22-24th, McCormick Place, Chicago, IL Wondercon!- March 29-31st, Anaheim Convention Center, CA NCSFest- May 18-19th, Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA Atlanta Comic Con– July 12-14th, Georgia World Congress Center San… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week, Vol 2!

February 21st, 2019 | Posted in News

Hot off the presses (almost), It’s Sketch o’the Week Vol. 2! 60 black and white pages containing over 80 caricature sketches, most from my Wednesday “Sketch of the Week” feature and a few from other projects. The book is proofed and at the printer, delivery scheduled for early March. You can pre-order your signed copy here and be among the first to get it, shipping the first week of March. Here’s a few sample pages: … and yes, I will have these at my next comic-con appearances. READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- John C. Reilly!

February 20th, 2019 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

The week’s sketch is actually a rare commission for a gentleman from Washington state. He wanted me to draw John C. Reilly in his persona of Dr. Steve Brule from the hilarious Adult Swim series “Check it Out! With Dr. Steve Brule”. This piece is obviously not for sale in the Studio Store since I did it as a commission. READ MORE

Another MAD #6 Sneak Peek!

February 19th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Here’s a look at my art for the splash page for MAD #6’s six page feature “Merry Poopins Goes to the White House”, written by Ian Boothby. I had a lot of fun with this one. It’s not a direct parody of the new Mary Poppins movie, but rather an original spoof of the Mary Poppins character in general, and what would happen if she was asked to come to the White House to work her “magic”. Ian did a great job not just on the story but on doing lyrical parodies (“Sing to the Tune of….”) of several of the songs from the original… READ MORE

On the Stands: MAD #6

February 18th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

In subscribers mailboxes for a week or so already, on newsstands everywhere tomorrow and in comic book shops and digital (maybe… your guess is as good as mine) this week! Cover (M. Wartella) Merry Poopins Goes to the White House (Ian Boothby, Tom Richmond) Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper) Let’s have Fun with a Hospital Visit! (Teresa Burns Parkhurst) Frosty the Snowperson (Jon Adams) If You See Something, Say Something (Stan Sinberg) The Wisenheim Museum (William Wray) Modern Steps to Make It Official (Casey Boyd & Allie Goertz, A Person) A MAD Look at the Future (Sergio Aragonés, Colors: Tom Luth) The Potrzebie of Love… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag- Learning to Ink?

February 17th, 2019 | Posted in General

Q: I usually hate having to ink anything because it never looks as good as my pencils. How did you learn to ink, and why did you choose the tools you use? A: I’d like to preface this answer by saying I do not consider myself a very good inker. I’d categorize myself as “competent”. I don’t ink enough (i.e. daily) to gain the kind of natural ease with inks you need to be an exceptional inker. My inking is often still an exercise in controlled frustration. I had not done much inking prior to my starting with MAD. With the exception of a couple… READ MORE


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