Tom's Mad Blog

Happy Day After Valentine’s Day!

February 15th, 2019 | Posted in General

… otherwise known as “Damage Control Day” for everyone who forgot yesterday was Valentine’s Day. READ MORE

Workshop Warmups- Raynor Scheine!

February 14th, 2019 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

This was a rather obscure subject for a warmup, suggested by one of the artists at my workshop this past weekend in Las Vegas: charater actor Raynor Scheine. READ MORE

Workshop Warmups- Marie Kondo!

February 13th, 2019 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Here’s another “Workshop Warmup” from this past weekend’s class in Las Vegas: Marie Kondo! READ MORE

Workshop Warmups: Gov. Ralph Northam!

February 12th, 2019 | Posted in General

I just got back from teaching another caricature workshop, this time in Las Vega$, so it’s time for another round of “Workshop Warmups!” On the second day of the class, we start out by doing three or four warmup sketches where I have the class suggest subjects, I search for an image to work from, and we all spend 10 minutes doing a quick caricature study of each. Here’s one from this past weekend, embattled Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam. I was tempted to do him in blackface, but my better nature triumphed. By the way, I project what you see above on a large… READ MORE

Monday MADness- A Favorite Panel from MAD #406

February 11th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Comedian Tom Green is sort of back in the public eye right now being a contestant on “Celebrity Big Brother”. Coincidentally he appeared in my favorite panel from my very first MAD job… the first assigned to me that is. It was actually the sixth feature I drew that saw print in the magazine. MAD would sometimes give a kind of “test” assignment to new artists. You got paid for it and everything, but the subject was usually an “evergreen” piece, meaning it could be run anytime as it was not of a timely nature (thus “evergreen”). This was from “MAD‘s Cable TV Viewing Odds”… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag- MAD Word Balloons?

February 10th, 2019 | Posted in Mailbag

Q:  I realize you draw your word balloons directly onto your art boards so you know where your art fits and how much space the word balloons will take up. Does MAD send you the blocks of type? Or do you take the script and break it down yourself? Do they tell you what dialogue goes in each panel – or do you have some leeway in how the story dialogue is broken down? And lastly, what font does MAD Magazine use in these parodies? A: The MAD staff does all the editing and production on the movie and TV parodies. They start by editing… READ MORE

Las Vegas Workshop is On!

February 8th, 2019 | Posted in News

My workshop in Las Vegas starts today! Class illustration above. Check out what these workshops are all about and see what’s still available for 2019 here. READ MORE

New Workshop Announced: Denver, CO!

February 7th, 2019 | Posted in News

I’m rounding out my 2019 workshop lineup, and we are now into the fall of the year. Announcing a workshop in the Mile High City (insert your legal marijuana joke here), Denver, Colorado, in September! The Denver workshop will be held Sept 6th-8th at a downtown location. Book Your Spot HERE!. I also still have several spots available for my workshop here in MN in May. READ MORE


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