Tom's Mad Blog

Sketch o’the Week- Keith Richards!

February 6th, 2019 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

I’ve intentionally avoided drawing rock guitar legend Keith Richards simply because I’ve seen so many of him by the great Sebastian Krüger that I was not sure how impartial I could be. However I finally could not resist. As usual, the original is available in the Studio Store. READ MORE

MAD #6 Sneak Peek!

February 5th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Here’s a little slice of the artwork I did for the upcoming MAD #6, which should be in subscriber’s mailboxes soon (subscribers get the issues WAAAY early) and officially on news stands (all 12 of them left) on Feb 19th! By the way, this image in no way identifies the target but this from a movie parody (sort of, kind of, not really) written by Ian Boothby. READ MORE

Monday MADness- Cover of MAD #6!

February 4th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

MAD just released a look at the cover of MAD #6, along with a few other sneak peeks of the upcoming issue. The cover art is by M. Wartella who, among a lot of work for The Village Voice and many other publications, did animation shorts for every episode of the MAD show on Cartoon Network. Check out MAD‘s Instagram page for other sneak peeks, as well as this look at Desmond Devlin and Anton Emdin‘s great splash for the parody of “The Good Place”. I also did a parody, sort of, in this next issue. I’ll see if I am allowed to share a… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag- Faces Change?

February 3rd, 2019 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: My question is that does a caricature change as the person ages? I ask because I am doing a caricature of William Shatner in three eras. One will be young Captain Kirk from the 60’s, the second one will be T.J. Hooker from the 80’s and the third is the more recent Denny Crane version from the last 10 years. As I study the faces, the nose changes, the eyes get slimmer and the ruggedness goes gooey and rounder. I think I have a pretty good likeness of all three, but it sure is taking some refining to do. I work on one and… READ MORE

Stuff from My Studio #13: Challenge Coins!

February 1st, 2019 | Posted in Stuff from my Studio

People in the military all know what a challenge coin is, but few civilians do. A challenge, or unit, coin is a medallion that represents affiliation, support or patronage to the organization minted on the coin. Almost all military units have their own coins, carried by the members of the units, and commanders often have special coins to give out when someone does something special for the unit. According to legend, the challenge coin originated during World War I, when American volunteers from all walks of life filled newly formed flying squadrons. Some of these volunteers were wealthy students from such schools as Yale or… READ MORE

Illustration Throwback Thursday #60- Reason Magazine!

January 31st, 2019 | Posted in General

This was done as a cover for Reason magazine back in late 2010. I can’t remember the message behind the image, but this is then governor-elect of California Jerry Brown. He was about to take office for the second time in 2011. Below are some of the rough layouts I sent the art directors early in the process: READ MORE

MAD Pencils- Harry Potter 5!

January 30th, 2019 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

No time for a Sketch o’the Week” today, but I thought I’d try and clear some space in my flat files by not just sharing these but offering them up for sale… the complete story pencil roughs (seven pages!) from MAD‘s parody of “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” aka “Harry Plodder and the Torture of the Fanbase” from MAD #480, Aug 2007, written by Desmond Devlin! Splash page above, the other five pages below. Available in the Studio Store. READ MORE

NEW Workshop: Eagan, MN- May 3-5th, 2019!

January 29th, 2019 | Posted in News

I had an sudden opportunity to add a workshop for early May here in Minnesota, so this just announced: a workshop May 3rd-5th in nearby Eagan, MN! I usually like to give people 6 months notice before a workshop, but this weekend suddenly opened up for me and I won’t be able to plan a workshop here in Minnesota at any other time in 2019, so this was my chance… just a little over three months until this workshop!! These Minnesota workshops are unique in that the Friday part of the class takes place here in my home and studio. We have a little welcome… READ MORE


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