Tom's Mad Blog

The Plasmatics!

December 22nd, 2018 | Posted in General

Here’s another of the special limited holiday commissions I did that were of famous subjects… Richie Stotts and Wendy O. Williams of The Plasmatics. I saw Wendy and The Plasmatics open for KISS back in the 80’s. Crazy show. READ MORE

St. Louis Workshop Just Announced!

December 21st, 2018 | Posted in News

I just posted a new workshop in St. Louis, Mo, April 26th-28th! Jump in before it’s sold out, or pick it up as a last minute Christmas gift for that caricature artist in your life! READ MORE

Illustration Throwback Thursday #58: Hollywood Follies!

December 20th, 2018 | Posted in Illustration Throwback Thursday

These were a series of spot illustrations I did for a magazine called Fade In (now long defunct) back in 2005. The article was about famous Hollywood blunders, embarrassments, or scandals. Pee Wee‘s Engorged Adventure was just one of them. Here’s some of the others… frankly I can’t remember the exact specifics of each one: READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- The Boss and Billy!

December 19th, 2018 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

This isn’t really a SotW, but one of the special “Christmas Commissions” I did early this month. Most of those pieces were caricatures of those who bought them or their friends/family, so posting those is kind of pointless since most readers won’t know what the subjects look like. However a few people asked me to do celebrities. This one is of Bruce “The Boss” Springsteen and Billy Joel, and was one of my favorites I did. If you are curious it was done on Strathmore 300 smooth bristol using brush pens and Copic markers, with a touch of colored pencil and white paint. READ MORE

More NCSFest Guests Announced, More News!

December 18th, 2018 | Posted in News

The National Cartoonists Society has just announced a 2nd wave of guest creators for the inaugural NCSFest in Huntington Beach, CA May 17-19th, 2019! The current, updated guest list includes: Charlie Adlard (The Walking Dead) Lalo Alcaraz (La Cucharacha), Jerry Van Amerongen (Ballard Street) Sergio Aragonés (Groo, MAD magazine) Pénélope Bagieu (Brazen), Ed Brubaker (Criminal, The Fade Out) Daniel Clowes (Eightball, Ghost World) Cathy Guisewite (Cathy) Gilbert and Jaime Hernandez (Love and Rockets) Rick Kirkman, Jim Borgman and Jerry Scott (Baby Blues and Zits) Patrick McDonnell (Mutts) Luke McGarry (Sad Chewie, MAD magazine) Bill Morrison (Yellow Submarine, MAD magazine) Sean Phillips (Criminal, The Fade Out)… READ MORE

Penguin Book Video Review

December 17th, 2018 | Posted in General

Nicole from the Perfect Bound Podcast reviews MAD‘s latest kid’s book parody Don’t Let the Penguin Drive the Batmobile. Spoiler…she likes it: READ MORE

Monday MADness- Mysteries of Televised Sports!

December 17th, 2018 | Posted in Monday MADness

Here’s a look at a very early piece of mine from MAD #412, Dec 2001, written by Desmond Devlin. The original digital files from this one are long gone to that great hard drive in the sky. Clicky to embiggen image. READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag- Getting a Likeness?

December 16th, 2018 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: I’ve drawn and doodled for most of my life; 37 years. When it comes to caricatures, I struggle to draw features that have likeness to the reference feature. I understand your methods on how to exaggerate (T for eyes and nose, feature separation and proportions) but I guess I struggle to see a nose, for instance, and draw it with likeness. How do you reference a feature, and know exactly how to draw it with likeness and exaggeration? All of your caricatures have distinctive features that are used with that subject only. You don’t copy/paste and tweak a nose from your mental archive, its… READ MORE


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