Tom's Mad Blog

A MAD-ly Good Trend!

December 6th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

MAD #5 is the last issue of 2018, and as such it includes public disclosure of stats like circulation figures. According to the figures (via Mike Slaubaugh‘s excellent MAD Lists website), total paid circulation increased for the fourth straight year (122,908 to 133,924 to 139,725 to 150,195). A modest increase but still a nice trend upward, and an increase of almost 30,000 since 2015. More people reading is always better than less. In other list news, I still remain 373 issues behind leader Al Jaffee for most appearances in MAD (Al’s at 505). Assuming Al retires after this new issue is out, that I am… READ MORE

Stuff from my Studio #12: Saddam’s Marble!

December 6th, 2018 | Posted in Stuff from my Studio

Many of the items in my studio are souvenirs from my travels here and there, and this ubiquitous piece of broken marble is one of the oddest of the bunch. Back in 2009 I was honored to be one of ten cartoonists who traveled to Iraq and Kuwait with the USO to visit U.S. troops stationed there. One of the stops we made on the tour was Baghdad, where we drew for military personnel at various locations in the Victory Base Complex. Among the places in the VBC we visited was Camp Slayer, which contained Saddam Hussein’s very optimistically named “Victory Over America” palace. Saddam ordered… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- G.H.W. Bush!

December 5th, 2018 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

My Phoenix workshop group did a sketch of the late president George H.W. Bush as one of our warmups on Saturday morning after the news of his passing. Here’s mine after a little tightening up. READ MORE

Misadventures in Animation

December 4th, 2018 | Posted in Freelancing

I haven’t done much work in the world of animation, just having done some simple character designs for segments on the “MAD” show on Cartoon Network and for a film called “I Want Your Money” in 2010. More recently I did a bunch of “turnarounds”, both full and partial, for a pitch for an animated show that didn’t get picked up. I thought I could now share a little of that artwork here. READ MORE

Monday MADness: A Favorite Panel from MAD #2!

December 3rd, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Here we go again with another ridiculous choice for one of the panels that was my favorite to draw in a given parody, this time from MAD #2’s “Xander and Kam’s Sneaky Previews” written by Ian Boothby. Anyday I get to draw Harrison Ford‘s crooked nose is a good day. Also ALF! READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag… Empty!

December 2nd, 2018 | Posted in Mailbag

It’s that time again. I don’t have any questions for the mailbag right now (other than a couple that are basically asking for a lengthy tutorial on drawing crowd scenes or something similar that are a little more involved than a Q&A). So if you have any questions about cartooning, illustration, MAD Magazine, caricature or similar, e-mail me and I’ll try and answer it here! READ MORE

Phoenix Workshop Is On!

November 30th, 2018 | Posted in General

My final 2018 workshop is on in Phoenix starting today! Class illustration above! I still have a spot available in both my February Las Vegas and March Atlanta workshops, so grab those up while they last! The one day Amsterdam workshop is looking more likely now, so stay tuned for that! READ MORE

Illustration Throwback Thursday #57- Minnesotans!

November 29th, 2018 | Posted in Illustration Throwback Thursday

I did this mock Rolling Stones cover and interior spread for Minnesota Monthly magazine’s year end issue back in 2012. Every year they would do an article on notable Minnesotans of the past year. The circles on the main image were for photo inserts and copy. The blank rectangles in the spread were for copy they dropped in. The only people most might recognize would be Bob Dylan and former Minnesota Timberwolves NBA player Kevin Love. READ MORE


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