November 28th, 2018 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Super busy right now so here is a “flashback” sketch of Garbage lead singer Shirley Manson. Actually I did this one as part of a series of sketches from the short lived 2008-2009 TV series “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles”, in which Ms. Manson played a terminator. Thus the wind up key gag. This sketch appeared in my book The Mad Art of Caricature, which is why I added the digital grays. READ MORE
November 27th, 2018 | Posted in General
I’ve had two sudden cancellations for my workshop in Atlanta, GA coming up in March, so the previously sold out class now has two available openings! Click here for the details! READ MORE
November 26th, 2018 | Posted in Monday MADness
Back in MAD #520 (April 2013) I did the art for this three page parody mash up of the TV reality show “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo” and the long-running conic strip “The Family Circus”. I had a particularly fun time doing this one because cartoonist Jeff Keane, who took over the strip from his dad Bil Keane several years before Bil’s passing in 2011, is a good friend of mine. In fact, when MAD assigned this to me, I called Jeff up and didn’t tell him this was coming as I wanted to surprise him, but during our conversation asked him “So, what kind… READ MORE
November 25th, 2018 | Posted in Mailbag
Q: I draw more caricatures for free and fun than commissions or through my sign business but a friend recently shared a bad legal experience with me that left a little too much fear in my pencil. He said his company was sued by a photographer(they settled out of court so there was no legal determination) for purchasing and using a freelance artists Illustration of a grizzly bear that the artist referenced their photograph (without permission) to create his illustration. The photographer saw the Illustration on my friend’s company website (they sell high end illustrations) and filed a suit against the company that paid the… READ MORE
November 24th, 2018 | Posted in News
It looks unlikely that I can do a full three day workshop in Amsterdam. The costs of staging one are just too high… I have to charge more than I think people would be able or willing to pay to do it. So here’s a new idea I have been toying with: a single day workshop. This would be a kind of crash course of a class, eliminating some of the extras like my inking and illustration coloring demos, the live caricature round robin, my work retrospective, and a few other things and getting right to the fundamentals of my theories behind seeing and observing,… READ MORE
November 23rd, 2018 | Posted in Illustration Throwback Thursday
I know this is usually “Illustration Throwback Thursday” but yesterday was a holiday, so I bumped this to today. We recently had a little water damage in a basement storage area and I had to clean the whole room out, digging through a lot of boxes of old papers and file cabinets full of stuff that mostly got tossed out. Some of it was old artwork or copies of same. During the digging I came across this one-page comic I did in 1991. For a very brief period of time I did some editorial cartoons for what was then the Comic Buyer’s Guide, a trade… READ MORE
November 22nd, 2018 | Posted in General
November 21st, 2018 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
If you missed out on one of my specially priced holiday caricatures, you can still get this one I did of the MCU’s Spider-Man Tom Holland as a sample for the brush pen/marker technique in the Studio Store. READ MORE