Tom's Mad Blog

The Reviews Are In!

October 25th, 2018 | Posted in General

Well, one review anyway… from They have some nice things to say about Jacob Lambert and my new book Don’t Let the Penguin Drive the Batmobile. Of the three kids book parodies I drew for MAD, this was my favorite. I find it more challenging to parody the look of a more simple, minimalist art style than a more illustrative, elaborate kind of art. It took some thinking and experimenting to merge the Batverse with the Mo Willems Pigeonverse, but in order for a parody of something like Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus to work, the look of the visuals must capture… READ MORE

The Dreaded Deadline Demon

October 22nd, 2018 | Posted in General

There’s going to be a lot of this guy this week. READ MORE

A MADly Idiotic Birthday!

October 19th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Happy 73rd birthday to the most prolific and longest-running writer in MAD Magazine history, MAD‘s Maddest writer Dick DeBartolo! Dick’s work first appeared in MAD #69, March 1962 (a piece he sold to the magazine while he was still in high school), and he has had work in 469 issues and counting ever since. He also has the record for the most consecutive issues appeared in with 452 (#103 to present). Dick’s work outside of MAD includes being a long-time writer for TV games shows and a popular podcast called “The Daily Giz Wiz” formerly on TWiT TV and now independently produced , appearances on… READ MORE

Workshop News: Atlanta- Mar 1-3, 2019!

October 18th, 2018 | Posted in News

This past weekend I conducted one of my caricature workshops here in Minnesota, class group illustration above. As usual we had a great group and drew a LOT of faces. Thanks to all who attended! I’ve just announced a new workshop for 2019, this one taking place in Atlanta, GA March 1-3rd. As always, it’s limited to 12 students and will fill up fast, so don’t procrastinate on grabbing a spot. Check out all the details on what my workshops are all about here. As for other locations in 2019, I am working on one in Amsterdam in June. There won’t be any workshops scheduled… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- Quentin Tarantino!

October 17th, 2018 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

This week’s SotW subject is one of my all-time favorite directors, Quentin Tarantino. I remember being blown away by “Pulp Fiction” when I first saw it in a theater in St. Louis with a bunch of my Six Flags caricature crew in 1994. I had never seen a movie like that before. I’ve never missed seeing any of his films, and they never disappoint. BTW as usual the original is for sale in the Studio Store. READ MORE

One More from NYCC

October 16th, 2018 | Posted in General

Here’s one last commissioned sketch cover from New York Comic Con. I had to bring this one home and mail it out, something I try not to do. The guy doing the kicking is the person who commissioned the piece. READ MORE

Monday MADness: Penguin Book On Sale!

October 15th, 2018 | Posted in General

Tomorrow is the official release date of MAD‘s newest kids book parody Don’t Let the Penguin Drive the Batmobile, written by Jacob Lambert with art by moi. I’ve got copies in stock in the Studio Store. You can get a signed copy for cover price, or get one with a sketch of The Penguin for some extra dough. 100% appropriate for the little bat-fans in your life. Here’s some additional peeks at the book: READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag- New Books or DVD?

October 14th, 2018 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: Any new books on the horizon? I thought you mentioned a while back that Sketch-o-the-Week Vol. 2 would be out in October. Also,have you ever thought of putting out a dvd? Your book is so well done and thorough and inclusive,but speaking as someone trying to learn, actually seeing how an artist moves their hand to get a certain line or effect is actually quite helpful.. I just think it would be a cool compliment to your already amazing book. A: Well, Don’t Let the Penguin Drive the Batmobile is officially released on Tuesday, but as far as self published books I have only… READ MORE


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