Tom's Mad Blog

A Svengoolie Shout Out!

October 5th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine The cat (or bat, as this case may be) is out of the bag that I did the artwork on a parody (sort of) of TV horror host Svengoolie and his show in issue #4. However back in July before I had that job “in the can” (that’s showbiz talk for “completed”) one of the show’s… uh… henchmen Kevin stopped by my booth at San Diego Comic Con and had me do a live-style caricature of Svengoolie. They shared that drawing on a recent show in their mail segment, video link above. Svengoolie also gives a shout out to my pal Scott Shaw! who… READ MORE

New York Comic Con is On!

October 4th, 2018 | Posted in General

NYCC starts today at the Javits Center, New York City! You’ll find The Lovely Anna and I at booth L-6 in the new Artists Alley, and will also be on the “Mad about MAD” panel on Sunday at 10:45 AM, room 1A21. READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week: “Ironic, Man” Roughs!

October 3rd, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Once again too busy for a sketch today… in fact I’m on my way to New York for New York Comic Con, which starts tomorrow! Here’s a look at the original pencil roughs for MAD‘s parody of “Iron Man” that appeared in MAD #492, Aug 2008, written by Desmond Devlin. These are available in the Studio Store. READ MORE

Caricature Workshop Mini-Documentary!

October 2nd, 2018 | Posted in General

Check out this really cool mini-documentary on my caricature workshops by filmmaker, artist, and workshop alum Greg Feinberg! Thanks, Greg! You can see his work at More workshops dates and locations for 2019 soon to be announced!! READ MORE

MAD #4 Sneak Peek: Svengoolie!

October 2nd, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I had planned on waiting until the issue came out to post this, but had the scoop on MAD‘s Svengoolie feature in issue #4 yesterday, so I guess no need to keep it under wraps anymore. Here’s a look at the splash page of  the parody I drew in MAD #4, written by Ian Boothby. Be sure to visit that article as they have two of the interioir pages as well as the splash.  I also promised to explain what makes this parody different, but not unprecedented, in MAD. A few people are wondering why horror TV host Svengoolie does not have a… READ MORE

Monday MADness: Another MAD #4 Sneak Peek!

October 1st, 2018 | Posted in Monday MADness

Here’s one last close-up look at a panel from my upcoming parody in MAD #4! More Universal monster mayhem. Issue 4 drops on October 9th!!! READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag: Why Not All Digital?

September 30th, 2018 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: Reading about your process I see that you still pencil and ink traditionally, but then color digitally. Why not do the entire thing digitally? A: Let me preface my response by saying I have zero problem with people who do 100% digital work. I have seen mind-blowing work done all digital. More power to you. No judgement here. That said I am simply not happy with the inking I do digitally. I have tried it, believe me. So far I have done two parodies for MAD doing digital inks. The first was the parody of the TV show “The Following” from MAD #525, which… READ MORE

Come See Me at New York Comic Con!

September 28th, 2018 | Posted in News

Next week is New York Comic Con at the Javits Center, Thursday October 4th through Sunday October 7th! I’ll be at booth L-6 in the new Artists Alley, and will also be on the “Mad about MAD” panel on Sunday at 10:45 AM, room 1A21 with editor Bill Morrison, art director Suzy Hutchinson and fellow Idiots Tom Bunk, Dick DeBartolo, and Desmond Devlin! Stop by and say hello!! -Tom is on vacation outside the country, so comment moderation and responses may not happen for a while. Je suis désolé!- READ MORE


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