Tom's Mad Blog

Another MAD Sketchcover!

September 10th, 2018 | Posted in General

I was a guest at Rose City Comic Con this past weekend. One of the things I do at these shows are full color “sketch covers” done on one of the blank cover variants of MAD. Sadly it was not a very busy convention for us, but I did this sketch cover as a sample for the booth. Done using brush pens, copic parkers and a touch of colored pencil. READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag- Online Version of Workshop?

September 9th, 2018 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: When are you going to video your workshop and/or offer an online version of your workshop? A: Probably not for a long time, if ever. I know that’s not an answer most people in the internet age want to hear, but I prefer to keep these workshops in person and of limited size. It makes them a very personal and focused sort of experience, and while it makes the expense of doing one (cost of the workshop and travel expenses if necessary) prohibitive for some, it also provides those who do it a much greater value and experience than some video series. I’ve got… READ MORE

Right of Publicity and Caricature

September 7th, 2018 | Posted in General

This is an article I wrote a number of years ago, that I repost here every couple of years. I often get emails from people asking “are there any “intellectual’ copyright laws preventing an artist from drawing/painting a caricature of a celebrity/sports person, then selling the original artwork and artist’s prints of the original drawing?” Yes, there are. They are called the “right of publicity”. The information is still very relevant. Here’s the article: Caricature and the Right of Publicity A few years ago a colleague of mine who does party caricatures in southern California was contacted by comedian Jay Leno about an ad the… READ MORE

Portland Workshop Art!

September 6th, 2018 | Posted in General

While I am in Portland I should post the workshop illustration I did for my Portland workshop that took place in early July. I had to delay doing this piece because of a family health crisis and the resulting deadline fallout. All the workshoppers were very patient with me while I finally got the art done. I’m busy scheduling my 2019 workshops, so keep up with the announcements of the locations and dates by signing up for our mailing list! That’s the thingy up on the top right area of this window! READ MORE

Come See Me at Rose City Comic Con!

September 6th, 2018 | Posted in General

The Lovely Anna and I will be at Rose City Comic Con in Portland, Oregon this weekend doing our usual comic-con thing! I’ll be at booth #1066, which is NOT in Artists Alley but in an area for featured guests… so come and find us! I’ll also be doing live demos at the Wacom booth on: Fri Sept 7: 5:30-6:30 Sat Sept 8: 5-6 Sun Sept 9: 3-4 If you are at RCCC stop in and say hello!! READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- Pink!

September 5th, 2018 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Bonus SotW this week: musical dynamo Pink! As always the original is available in the Studio Store. READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- Stephen Fry!

September 4th, 2018 | Posted in General

Since I missed doing a SotW last week I’m going to do two this week, starting with this one of the multi talented UK star Stephen Fry. This was one of the warmup subjects we did one day in my workshop in London last month. The original is available for purchase in the Studio Store. READ MORE

Monday MADness- DIY Alfred!

September 3rd, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine

A MAD fan brought this home made Alfred E. Neuman bust to Chicago Comic-Con last weekend and had me sign the shirt. It’s made from of one of the classic Cesar Company Alfred masks from the early 80’s, combined with soft foam sculpture and hand painting. So cool! READ MORE


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