Tom's Mad Blog

Sketch o’the Week- Keira Knightley!

August 22nd, 2018 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

I’m still really swamped trying to play catch up after my European workshop tour, so not time for a real SotW this week. As everybody seemed to enjoy last week’s post of one of the woram up drawings we sis in my workshop in Switzerland, I thought I’d post one of the ones we did from the London Workshop. Again, these are warm ups we do before we start class on the second day, and I look up subjects that might have some relevancy to the location of the workshop. One of the ones we did in London was this one of Keira Knightely. I… READ MORE

Stuff from my Studio #10: Jack Davis Original!

August 21st, 2018 | Posted in Stuff from my Studio

I have several really awesome pieces of original comic/cartoon art I’ve gotten over the years from friends and fellow cartoonists. This is one of my favorites because it’s Batman, it’s by the legendary Jack Davis, and I asked him to do it. Back in 2014 we were brainstorming ideas for a T-Shirt to produce for the National Cartoonists Society’s Comic-Con booth. We settled on doing one themed on Batman, since it was the 75th anniversary of the character’s first appearance. We asked a number of well-known NCS members to give us a piece of Batman art, and we received some really great ones. Here’s the… READ MORE

Monday MADness: Ready Play One Challenges

August 20th, 2018 | Posted in General

The newest issue of MAD contains a 7 page parody of the film “Ready Player One’, art by me words by Desmond Devlin. It was a very fun movie to parody but it did present a kind of unique problem with respect to the background gags or “chicken fat” that is part of what I like to add to the mix. The problem became apparent to me right away when I was working on the splash page, which was the big race scene. I was brainstorming fun background stuff to put in there, so I was thinking “How about the ’66 Batmobile! That would be… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag: What to Start With? (w/Videos!)

August 19th, 2018 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: When you draw caricatures, do you start with the shape of the head or another feature, i.e. the eye and from there work around it? A: When I am working in the studio on a caricature I always start with the head shape, then work in the basic shapes of the eyes, nose, and mouth. Then I continue to add more and more details until I have a finished drawing: When working live, I do the opposite. While I THNK about the overall head shape and how the interior feature shapes fit inside of it, I draw from the inside out, starting with the… READ MORE

Come See Me at Chicago Comic Con!

August 17th, 2018 | Posted in General

One week from today is the start of the Wizard World Chicago Comic Con at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, IL! The show is from Aug 23-26th. The Lovely Anna and I will be there hawking our wares including my new Catwoman print, and I’ll be drawing up a storm. I’ll be in artists Alley somewhere but still don’t have a booth number assigned, so just look for the the guy with the thinning gray hair, granny glasses and big biceps. That will be me. READ MORE

Openings for my Minnesota Workshop

August 16th, 2018 | Posted in General

I just had a cancellation TWO cancellations for my workshop taking place Oct 12th-14th here in Minnesota, so I know have two open spots! Visit the workshop page here for all the details and to grab those last reservations! The workshops in Minnesota are unique. The first part of the class takes place not at the hotel meeting space but in my home. We have everyone over for some drinks and food, then we visit my studio and I demo and explain my inking and coloring techniques right in the space I work at every day, as well as the full process of doing a… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week- Roger Federer!

August 15th, 2018 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

On the second day of my workhops the class warms up with four quick caricature sketches, and I usually have them suggest the subjects on the spot. In Seengen I asked for suggestions of some well know Swiss personalities, and one of the was tennis star Roger Federer. The above is my sketch, which I fleshed out a bit with some crosshatching while sitting around the airport on Monday. READ MORE

London Workshop Starts Today!

August 14th, 2018 | Posted in General

My second workshop of this European tour gets underway shortly here in London! Class illustration above. I’ll be eating my quota of fish ‘n chips with mushy peas, and drinking plenty of ale. Cheers! READ MORE


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