¡Traducción Sagrada, Batman!
Accidentally discovered that “Goodnight Batcave” has a Spanish version. Any other language versions out there I don’t know about? READ MORE
Accidentally discovered that “Goodnight Batcave” has a Spanish version. Any other language versions out there I don’t know about? READ MORE
This week’s Monday MADness is a look at the pencil roughs for the parody of “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” which appeared in MAD #1…. not the one from 1952 but the one from 2018. READ MORE
Q: You’ve done three issues with the new MAD staff now, is it a lot different than working with the old staff? If so, how? A: It would be impossible for it not to be different. I spent 17 plus years working with the same art directors and editors, and now I am working with an entirely new group of people. I went from knowing exactly what the staff wanted to see and what I could “get away with” to having to learn that all over again. The NYC staff had a way of doing things that was honed by 65 years of continuous publishing,… READ MORE
It’s workshop time again! My workshop in Seengen, Switzerland starts today through the weekend! I’m happy to say this one sets a record, BY FAR, for the most female participants… 11 out of 16 (one not pictured)!! I don’t know why I get so disproportionately few female students. I have another in London next week. I’m still looking in to 2019 locations, but right now all my other workshops are sold out except the one in February in Las Vegas. There are still a few open spots for that one. READ MORE
It’s been a seriously crazy summer. I just finished a couple of sudden, short deadline jobs (including two illustrations for a major motion picture that will remain nameless) while working around several comic cons and workshops, plus family drama. The above image is a cover I did for a publication dedicated to high school competition trap shooting that just got released. I’ve been doing spot illustrations for them for years. Right now I don’t have a lot of publication stuff on the board but I do have a couple of personal projects that are way overdue: MAD– a 6 page parody that’s half TV show… READ MORE
Out of my mind trying to get thimgs done before heading out to teach a couple of workshops in Europe in the next week, so I have to post a flashback sketch this week. This is an old one from 2012 that I did in pen… the devilishly handsome Steve Buscemi. “Shut the F#@& up, Donny!” READ MORE
As promised, here’s a look at the splash page and few of the panels from MAD #3’s spoof of “Ready Player One”, written by Desmond Devlin. Whaddya mean, you want to “read the jokes in the balloons”??? What do you think this is, a furshlugginer library?!? Go out and buy a copy of MAD #3, clod! READ MORE
In subscribers mailboxes for a week or so already, on newsstands everywhere tomorrow and in comic book shops and digital this week! Cover– (Mark Fredrickson) ToC (Art by George Woodbridge) Messy Layered One (Desmond Devlin, Tom Richmond) MAD’s Sneaky Tech Tips (Dick DeBartolo, Luke McGarry) Fairy Tale Scenes We’d Like to See (Sergio Aragonés, Colors: Tom Luth) Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper) Postcard from a State of Depression (Mary Trainor) Roach Guy (Joe Kwaczala, Phil “Burrito Breath” Guy) Potrzebie Comics Cover (Kerry Callen) Infant Terrible (Paula Sevenbergen & Allie Goertz, Paulina Ganucheau) The Origin of Spidery-Man (Kerry Callen) Boonies, Burbs and Burgs (Bob Fingerman) Let’s… READ MORE
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