Tom's Mad Blog

Interview for ISCA’s “Exaggerated Features” Podcast

June 24th, 2016 | Posted in News

The International Society of Caricature Artists is a 25 year old organization of professional caricaturists from around the world. They’ve had a podcast for awhile called the ISCast but recently rebranded it “Exaggerated Features“, which is also the title of their long running newsletter/magazine. I was interviewed by host Cory Lally for the latest episode. The podcast is now available on iTunes and via Soundcast. It’s only 13 minutes long, so it’s not a major time commitment. I’m the first in an ongoing series that asks different artists “What is a Caricature?” My initial answer was “about $30”, but Cory wanted something more in-depth. If… READ MORE

Illustration Throwback Thursday #27

June 23rd, 2016 | Posted in Illustration Throwback Thursday

I did this piece for Airbrush Action magazine sometime in 1999. It was a step by step on creating an airbrushed caricature illustration, using newly elected Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura as the subject. READ MORE

Drac o’the Week- Louis Jourdan!

June 22nd, 2016 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

This week’s Dracula sketch features Louis Jourdan as the titular Count from the 1977 BBC television film  “Count Dracula”. As always, the original is available in the Studio Store. READ MORE

Tales from the Theme Park #15

June 21st, 2016 | Posted in Tales from the Theme Park

Here’s another in a long line of “nobody believes a theme park caricaturist does anything but theme park caricatures” story. This just happened earlier this summer when I was filling it at one of my locations in Minnesota: A couple sits down to get their caricature done. One of them is wearing this shirt: Me: “Hey, I did the artwork for that shirt! I do a lot of work for Jeff Dunham!” Her: “Yeah….. Riiiiiiight.” Me: “—-” Okay, so it’s not much of a story. It’s just funny that so many people find it hard to believe that anyone who does live caricatures at theme… READ MORE

Monday MADness- Goodnight Batcave!

June 20th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine

The Hollywood Reporter had an exclusive announcement last week about this book I have been working on with MAD editor Dave Croatto, so I guess it’s okay to talk about it now… it’s been very hush hush since I got the assignment back in April. The book is pretty self explanatory, I think. It’s a mashup of the classic children’s book Goodnight Moon and everybody’s favorite caped crusader. The Hollywood Reporter posted the cover and a couple of the interior spreads: You’ll just have to wait until November when the book is released to see the rest of the goods. It’s a clever script from… READ MORE

Sunday Mailbag- Unlimited Time for Art?

June 19th, 2016 | Posted in Mailbag

Q: If you had unlimited time and resources, how would you expand your artistic repertoire? A: Actually if I really had unlimited times and resources, I’d learn to play the guitar. I dabbled with it when I was younger but could never devote the time and work necessary to really learn to play it. I never got much farther than basic rhythm and some cool lead licks like Ozzy’s “Crazy Train”, Rush’s “Limelight” and a few others. Thanks to Kevin Richlin for the question. If you have a question you want answered for the mailbag about cartooning, illustration, MAD Magazine, caricature or similar, e-mail me… READ MORE

Caricature Workshop 2: Sold Out!

June 17th, 2016 | Posted in News

Well, that didn’t take long. The second workshop is now also sold out. Sorry, I am not going to add a third one. If these go well I’ll do another one in September next year. For anybody who missed out- please email me privately and get on the wait list. I already had one person from the original workshop back out and a waitlister got it, so don’t assume there’s no way you can attend. Send me a request to be on the wait list and I’ll let you know if a spot opens up. First come first served, and if you decide you can’t… READ MORE

Caricature Workshop 2 is On!

June 17th, 2016 | Posted in News

I had so many people sign up for the waiting list for my first workshop, I went ahead and scheduled a second one for the weekend before, which was the only time I had available until the snow flies around here. So actually this one will be the FIRST workshop, and the original will be the second. Half the class is already booked by waiting list people and there are only 6 remaining spots so if you want in do not procrastinate. I will not be doing another one in this area until next fall (if then) no matter how many people are on the… READ MORE


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